Chapter 10

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we're just ignoring todos relationship for a bit cuz my ideas for them have deceased for now

We're also pretending that whole sneaking around drama didn't happen yet, so this is like a rewind filler chapter

Cassualy making it semi sad cuz yes

In the siblings gc


hoto: Hm, hm

Fuyumi: Hm? Shoto it's unlike you to message out of the blue

Natsuo: Yea sho you good?

Dabi: Stop spamming my kids finally asleep

Natsuo: Seriously you've gotta explain the whole kid thing later but right now we've gotta deal with this

Dabi: Whatever 🙄

Shoto: I used to float, now I just fall

Fuyumi: what?

Shoto: I used to know, but I'm not so sure now

Touya: what the actual hell?

Shoto: what was I made for?

Natsuo: To be the flaming trash cans masterpeice-

Fuyumi: Natsuo!!!

Shoto: Taking a drive, I wan an ideal

Dabi: I'm lost what?

Shoto: looked so alive, turns out I'm not real

Fuyumi: but you are???

Shoto: Just something you pay for

Dabi: Wtf, I'm completely confused whis buying you?

Shoto: what was I made for?

Natsuo: to surpass almight-

Fuyumi: not the time Natsuo

Shoto: cause I, I

Dabi: cause you what? Come on this baby never sleeps its my only chance to lay down now explain

Shoto: I don't know how to feel

Fuyumi: happy?

Shoto: but I wanna try

Natsuo: try what exactly???

Shoto: I don't know how to feel

Dabi: u guys know why he's repeating?

Natsuo: clearly we don't or we would've fixed it already, idiot

Fuyumi: nows not the time for name calling!!!

Shoto: But someday I might

Dabi: literally what the actual fuck

Shoto: someday I might

Fuyumi: Shoto are you ok???

Natsuo: he's clearly not Fuyumi

Shoto: Mm, hm, ha-ah

Natsuo: what the fu-

Shoto: hm, hm, hm

Dabi: now om just straight up confused

Shoto: when did it end? All the enjoyment

Fuyumi: what?

Shoto: I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriends

Fuyumi: tell them what???

Shoto: it's not what their made for

Natsuo: if fuyumi's confused then there's no hope for us

Shoto: what was I made for

Shoto: cause I, cause I

Natsuo: cause you what?!

Shoto: I don't know how to feel

Fuyumi: do you wanna talk about it???

Natsuo: didn't he already say that?

Fuyumi: natsuo shush!

Shoto: but I wanna try

Dabi: TRY WHAT!?

Shoto: I don't know how to feel

Natsuo: I swear I'm not crazy, I swears he's been repeating!!!

Shoto: but someday I might

Dabi: I'm done I'm out now my baby's up and crying and my husband's at work, goddammit

Shoto: someday I might


Fuyumi: don't yell at him!!!

Shoto: think I forgot how to be happy

Fuyumi: Oh shoto 😕

Shoto: something I'm not, but something I can be

Fuyumi: Exactly!!! You can be happy!!!

Shoto: Something I wait for

Fuyumi: Oh shoto please don't be sad!!

Shoto: Something I'm made for

Fuyumi: Made for? What are you talking about

Natsuo: Yumi he was literally birthed just to surpass almight

Shoto: something I'm made for

Fuyumi: Oh shoto! Wanna talk? Want me to make you soba?

Shoto todoroki is offline

Fuyumi: Poor shoto, I'm gonna make him food

Everyone's offline

Can you tell I gave up after the second line?

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