chapter 11

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Yea so I'm still not well, at all but ima feel bad and like a really shitty person and like an asshole if I don't update the only book I've created that seems to get saved to reading lists, so idk ima free ball this like I've been doing with every other chapter of this and all my books for that matter, aswell as ima try and possibly fail at following a like request if ya will that I got awhile ago from someone to do for this, I'll @ them at the end of this if it's ever published

Shoto: So I did a thing-

Touya: Tf did ya do.

Shoto: Nothing baddddd

Touya: Thats a lie. 

Touya: Tf did ya do.

Shoto: Do you have no faith in me?

Touya: No.

Touya: What made you think I did?

Touya: Now tf did ya do

Shoto: Ok so you know that one place in Japan that's like a city or something that like no one's aloud to go to?

Touya: ...Yes? It's Yokohama isn't it?

Natsuo: Yo ima just come on here and say. Isn't that the like place closed off from like everywhere else in Japan and people born outside of Yokohama can't enter but people born there can come and go as they please?

Shoto: Yup-

Touya: Ok so what does Yokohama-

Touya: Wait...

Touya: Shoto. Did you find a way into Yokohama fuck up and now need help?

Shoto: Ok yes I'm here but like I didn't 'fuck up' per say-

Shoto: Although it would be so nice if any of you knew how to cover up something bad and make it look like it never existed without knowing the context, I mean I know all the details and context but you can't know-

Touya: Yea ok now that makes it sound like your somehow associated with some big villain or I guess they call them criminals in Yokohama but point is it sounds like your involved with some big time criminals-

Shoto: I would never but like please help-

Touya: Wtf actual fuck did you do Shoto

Shoto: Ok so you see-

To be continued cuz I have no ideas

Word count


Anyways I'm updating again and I will eventually continue on with this lil thing I'm tryna do also I'm definitely not making bsd apart of this fic for a lil bit cuz it's my current fixation-

Anyways idk if this seems like todo did something irrational but like the backsory of what he did will hopefully be written and published eventually

Probably not soon tho-


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