Chapter 1

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As she was standing on the edge of the cliff a sudden sensation of longing flew through her body. The longing to close her eyes. To spread her arms like a bird would his wings. The longing to let the wind take her away to a place far away from everything. To a place where she would feel as light as a feather, where she could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and the scent of the rain in the air. She was standing like this, with her eyes closed and with her arms spread out, and one could almost forget, that her next step would fall into emptiness. And as she let her worries go, she let herself go and her body slowly tilted forward until-

Suddenly someone bumped into me and I heard a thud, which made me look up from my book to look at my surroundings. The sudden push made me drop my folder, that I was holding under my arm The floor was filled with papers scattered on the floor, but there were other notebooks and files too. I looked up and saw a tall man standing in front of me and he looked rather annoyed and he didn't even bother to speak an apology.
It seemed like he was in quite a hurry as he began to quickly gather his thinks. I sighed and bent down to pick up my own papers and notebooks, stuffing them in my bag. As the man was reaching for a book, his sleeve moved down just enough to reveal his wrist. In that short moment, I could make out a skull, tattooed on his skin with some sort of tentacles curling around it. "Sir, I think this one also belongs-" but before I could even finish, the man snatched the paper away from my hand, giving me a cold look before standing up and leaving. I watched the man walk away as he disappeared into the crowd. For a moment, I stood there, my gaze still lingering in the direction where he had gone. I shook my head, snapping back to reality at the sound of the subway door opening before I hurried inside.

With i sigh I sat down, looking out of the window, watching the flashing lights, while the train carried me to my destination. My eyes glanced down at my watch – twelve past eleven. I was getting home late again. Frowning I unlocked my phone to swipe through it, but I didn't find any messages or at least something entertaining to pass the time, so my phone disappeared into my pocket.

My thoughts were drifting and I started to scold myself for staying at the library this late when I should've already been home. I just couldn't help myself. Once my mind started to grasp something even slightly fascinating, I lost any sense of time and space. Today I got entranced by the art of cinematography as I was writing my diploma thesis for my film studies degree under the title "Approaches to Emotional Elevation in Film". I read about colour theory and composition, framing and visual weight and about the essential parts of making any movie thrilling and compelling. I felt passionate about my work, but I nevertheless felt a bit overwhelmed when thinking about the future. I wasn't sure if I would make it in the film industry or what to even make out of my life. But I knew that I wanted it to be meaningful – to make me feel like I had a purpose.

A voice spoke the name of my station and I stood up, exiting the train. The same signs and shops greeted me as I walked passed them and familiar street lights illuminated my way back home. Occasionally I would take the bus, that stopped closer to my apartment, because it gave me a change of routine that I highly appreciated. I've watched enough crime shows to know, that you get kidnapped by strictly following a routine, but let's be honest sometimes you'd rather take your chances of getting murdered than have to walk a few extra blocks, especially if you already feel tired.

Stopping in front of the door, I pulled out my key from my bag and I made my way inside the building. The lights switched on and I closed the door behind me, placing my keys on the shelve, to make sure not to forget them tomorrow. With a thud, my bag fell to the floor, followed by a yawn before I stretched my neck and walked to my room. The evening was quite short and after grabbing a snack and cleaning up behind me, I went to bed, feeling the exhaustion all over my limbs. I closed my eyes and after a while, I found myself sleeping peacefully.

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