Chapter 2

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As my eyes fell on the contents of the page, I started to flip through the notebook, soon realising, that I couldn't read a single word written in it. To me, it looked like the book was written in Cyrillic so I assumed it was in Russian or another Slavic language. The notebook was filled with what seemed to be notes or some kind of instructions, but it was impossible for me to decipher what it was about. One page, however, was different from the others. It only had, what seemed like 10 words listed underneath each other. It read:








Возвращение на Родину


Товарный вагон

My eyes wandered over the letters and a sense of curiosity came over me. I looked up from the pages as my eyes spotted my phone so I reached for it. I took a picture of the page and sent it to my mother, asking her, if she could translate it for me. She learned Russian in school since she was raised in the former Yugoslavia so I assumed, that she would be able to help me. I enjoyed listening to my mother's stories about her childhood. She would tell me about how they had to learn to assemble guns and also how to use them. It made me realise how lucky I was to not live in the middle of a war.

While I waited for her to reply, I stood up to open my laptop and I sat down on my bed. A thought appeared in my mind and I went to type it into the search engine in the tab I just opened. The letters I pressed formed the following words: Red flag with black star. I clicked on the pictures and scrolled through, trying to find an image similar to the binding on the book. The only pictures that appeared were other flags with the same colours, like the flag of Morocco, which wasn't quite fitting the image I was searching for. I sighed crossing my arms and my eyes fell on the notebook on my bed.

If there had been a lightbulb over my head it would've probably lit up at that moment since I suddenly noticed something. The star reminded me of a soviet star and a quick search showed me images of a red star on a black background. In my thoughts, I was already making up theories as I was trying to find out why on earth I had a notebook in my possession, where the cover resembled a symbol of the soviet union. I told myself, that I was probably over-analyzing this whole thing since the star could have been just what it was: a plain, simple star, but somehow the contents of the book made me doubt it. Then I remembered the man at the subway and it all made sense.

By accident I must've picked it up with my other stuff as I was shoving the papers and folders inside my bag. So that solves the mystery of how it got in my bag, but what was it about and was it really connected to the soviet union or was it just a plain star on a red background? However, I was completely certain, that it had to be a journal of some kind. The other possibility – that didn't include a crazy theory – would be, that the book belonged to some bilingual guy who simply used it as his grocery list.

My phone brought me back to reality as it called for my attention. In a swift motion, I hurried to my phone unlocking it. As expected I received a message from mum. It read:

"What is this? The words aren't making any sense together. Where did you get this from?"

I told her to just tell me the meaning of the words and that it wasn't anything important. After a few minutes, another message appeared and it was the translation and it didn't look like a grocery list at all:

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