Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
I strolled into the Side Bar to meet Ace for lunch. I decided to let him choose the place I mean since he's paying it only makes sense. I spotted him sitting on a bar stool sipping what appeared to be water.
"Hey" I walked over to him
"Hey beautiful." He spun around taking in my attire
I just decided to wear blue acid washed jeans with a white crop top and YSL sandals.
"You order yet?" I embraced him for a hug
"Nah I was waiting for you but I did get you some water." He released me from the hug and pulled out my stool for me to sit.
"I guess thugs can be gentlemen too huh?" I joked taking a seat.
"Who said I was a thug I'm just a regular nigga that likes to make money." He shrugged his shoulders giving me a wink.
"Are you two ready to order" The bartender asked
"Ugh yeah can I get a bacon cheeseburger and fries?" Ace ordered.
"I need another second to look at the menu." I replied
"Not a problem I'll go put your order in and then I'll be back." She replied before walking off.
"You've been here before?" I took a quick glance at Ace before looking back the menu
"Yeah a few times the food is pretty good."
I ordered a club sandwich with fries we engaged in small talk while we waited for our food to arrive.
"So about your mom, what are you gonna do once you decide to place her in this treatment facility and she's not there like at the...I don't wanna call it a crack house." He took a sip of his water and looked at me
"I mean honestly I'm not sure I kinda had this whole fairytale thing going on like I would offer her help she would take it and we would live happily ever after but after the other day I see it won't be that easy." I picked through my food with my fork and swiped away a tear that has fallen.
"Aye aye don't cry everything is going to be ok it's just going to take time, nothing in life is easy." He grabbed my hand from across and rubbed small soothing circles into my knuckles.
"What facilitates do you have in mind?" I looked at him in his eyes and drew my hand back
"Um there's Green Acres on the West and they're affordable and clean they have an 85% success rate on the first admittance."
"What about the staff?"
"From what I hear they're nice people." He shrugged his shoulder
"I'll give them a call." I promised.
"Would you like the check maybe some boxes?" The bartender came back over
"Uh boxes no check yes." I replied with a smile
"I needa walk all this food off now I'm stuffed." He rubbed his stomach for dramatic effect.
"How about we head to the park and go for a walk?" I threw out
"You sure?" He asked kinda of surprised
"Yeah I mean I'm not ready for this date to end I mean unless you have something else to do."
"So this is a date?" He chuckled taking a sip of his water

"I meeean it can be." I shrugged my shoulders looking him directly in his eyes.

"Well ok then the park it is." He signaled the bartender back over to us.

After he payed and left her a tip we walked out of the doors.

"So you follow me and we meet each other there?" I asked looking up at him

"I have a better idea how about you follow me and we'll see if you can keep up." He slightly smiled

"You wanna race?" I confirmed

"It won't be a race but you get the idea." He chuckled

"Ok you're on." I winked and dashed towards my car.

I pulled out of the parking spot to see him already making his way to the highway. Ok he wants to race well that's what he's gonna get I said to myself. I breezed onto the highway I remained at least 3 cars behind so he could think he was winning. I looked to my right and took the nearest exit. I took a look at my speedometer seeing I was doing at least 120 mph I was floating, slowing down to 40 mph I pulled into the parking lot and got out seeing Ace pull in a few seconds later. I could've died seeing the shocked look on his face.

He stepped out of his car after putting it into park.

"Not bad for a few seconds." I smirked clapping my hands

A Thug and His Lady(DAVE EAST FAN FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now