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The morning was cold, and Jade was shivering, but not from the cold.

The university had a terrifying total of 1,056 students; there were more than 100 people in her class, and no one ever noticed her. Some called her the crazy Monster Mash fangirl, others called her the gothic freak, but nothing more. But now she would be the big news; she just hoped that it wouldn't last long.

When Jade finished putting her clothes on the old dresser, practically a purple jacket, a low-cut black dress, her many rings and three necklaces, she grabbed her bag of toiletries and went to the bathroom to take a shower that would take away the sleeplessness from staying up last night with the boys.

She looked at her face in the mirror as she brushed her damp, tangled hair after the shower.

She looked ugly, and exhausted in general. Nothing that tons of makeup, black eyeliner around the eyes, and a bit of black or purple lipstick couldn't hide.

Jade was afraid someone would ask about the interview because she wouldn't know how to deal with the attention.

She didn't get along well with people her age, period.

She didn't sleep well, but she wondered... Did the boys stay up all night thinking about her too?

As if she were that important!

Maybe they didn't even need to sleep!

But Jade needed to, and she couldn't even after she finished crying. She pulled the duvet over her head and then added the pillow as well, but couldn't fall asleep until an hour before she had to wake up.

But at least now she wouldn't have to think about the boys or see them for a while!

A thick fog was all Jade could see out the window in the morning, so she knew it would be one of those gloomy days.

She didn't want to get to school too early, but she couldn't stay home anymore.

She put on her jacket and went out into the rain, which drenched her immediately.

Jade thought about asking her dad if he knew the boys, but he wasn't there when she woke up, so she figured he'd gone to open his gym, the only one in the whole town, not counting the one on campus and the one at the hotel... The hotel where she spent part of the night with the boys.


She should have stopped thinking about them already!

They were probably already having breakfast at the damn diner Draco mentioned.

"Shut up, brain," she told herself as she drove to school, which was, like most things, right next to the road.

It wasn't obvious that it was a school; it was more of a castle with a tall bell tower and an oversized parking lot surrounded by a few small suburbs that were fraternity and sorority houses.

Only the sign on the curtain wall, which said it was Hollow Woods University, gave away the purpose of this place.

The thought that this castle would be full of people waiting to ask her about the interview terrified her.

When Jade parked, a van from the local news channel snapped her out of her thoughts. Not only that, but it was strange to see so many people crowded outside the school gates. There were also a lot of trucks, and a lot of people in black shirts with the word 'Staff' written on the back, unloading a lot of things, from reflectors to huge cameras.

Jade reluctantly got out of her old black car and walked down a small stone path flanked by dark hedges.

Her plan was to jump over oversized pots of a hidden zone near the pool to enter through the emergency exit of the cafeteria.

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now