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"Here we are," Finn said once they all reached the top of the stairs. There was a wooden door, heavy and with a metallic handle right in front of them. "We all live here, in this small apartment in this huge central tower."

"Donjon," Zeth corrected.

"Whatever it is! I want to sleep!" Jade threw her hands in the air, "Do you guys go all that way to get here every time you come home?!

The sound of a 'Ding!' made Jade turn to look at...

It had to be a fucking joke!

An elevator was opening to her right, and from it came two people with colourful hair, and these two people were chatting in bathing suits and towels as if this were a five-star hotel.

“I hate all of you," Jade lowered her eyebrows.

"Welcome to our apartment," Alycandro said, while four of friends looked at Jade with excited eyes.

However, Zeth grunted.

"Alex, I've told you a thousand times that this is not an apartment! It's a Solar!"

"Zeth, stop being so dramatic," Alex rolled his eyes.

When the door opened, Jade's jaw dropped.

Did they live here?

It was a huge place, an apartment like no other, as big as most of the houses in the neighbourhood.

There was a big living room on the right side and, to the left, a kitchen that looked like it should be in movies. It smelled really good.

It was all fancy, with black couches and furniture, white walls, and white lamps, very modern and minimalist.

The floor was made of marble, and the whole place was warm and inviting.

"It's very nice here," Jade said, standing in the centre of the place, then yawned.

"Follow me," Zeth held her hand tightly and walked down a long hallway in the back.

Jade looked around nervously.

They passed many doors.

The first one was made of metal, with lots of wires running through it and tiny lights glowing in a green, electric tone.

The next door was made of a red cushiony material, very soft and squishy, with a black handle.

The next door was covered with some sort of purple fur, with a golden handle and a half moon painted on it.

The next door was made of glass, thick and full of bubbly water, and there were tiny fish swimming in it.

Zeth stopped in front of an enormous golden door, bigger than the others, and Jade instantly knew it was made of gold. There were several beetle-shaped diamonds encrusted on its surface.

“This is obviously your room,” she said and glanced quickly at the last door. It was made of a translucent material, certainly ice, surrounded by mist, like dry ice.

“Yes, obviously my room,” Zeth turned the handle and pushed the door open.

Jade gasped.

The place was huge, bigger than any bedroom she had ever seen before, all made of gold, with a small fountain that became a river running down the side of his big and elegant bed, its water blue like sapphires. There were four big windows looking out over the castle's garden, full of roses.

“You will stay here,” he said, crossing his arms.

“You said you didn’t need to sleep,” Jade said, stepping inside, “What is the bed for?”

“A bed has many uses,” he inspected his nails, standing under the doorframe, “Do you want details?”

“Ignorance is bliss," Jade turned quickly, flipping her hair.

“I was thinking that we could have a good time after the kiss,” he winked and then closed the door. The room lit up by itself with some torches on the walls. Well, that was fancy. "But I suspect I'm going to make love to my fist tonight, right?"

"Good guess... Wow! This is incredible!” Jade had never seen so much gold in her entire life. Everything here was beautiful. There were paintings on the walls, some old-fashioned looking things like golden collars, bracelets, and crowns, statues that were surely made of thick gold, also beautiful, even one of a cat in an elegant sitting position in the centre of the room just for dramatic effect.

"It's a golden statue of Sphinx, my cat," said Zeth, "Inside are the ashes. She will always be here with me, I like to believe."

"She was very cute.”

"Hey, Jade.” He said, opening a closet.

“What?” She asked.

"I brought you this," he told her, placing a few shopping bags on the bed.

There were many.

That must have cost him a fortune!

"You... Bought that?"

"I have some friends who have great taste, like me of course, but I was too busy so... I bought them, but not personally."


"Fashion designers," he told her.

“Well, thanks,” she nodded, “Um... Zeth.”

“Yes?” Zeth was about to leave but stopped at the door.

“I'd like to take a shower before I sleep," Jade yawned and scratched her butt, "Laska said my purple hair colour is washable, and my hair is already stiff."

“There's a new toothbrush, toothpaste, and everything you need in the bathroom," Zeth said, “I always have new stuff in there just in case..."

"In case you bring a girl to have sex, of course. Well then... Thanks," she said, “But I'm not going to shower where your friends do."

"Who the hell do you take me for?" he laughed out loud. "Do you think I'm going to take a shower in the same shower as them? Please!" he shook his head. "I have my own bathroom. It's in the back. Just make sure you don't get your hair all over the place."

"I won't leave a trace of my presence if it bothers you so much," she told him, taking the bags in her hands and walking to the golden door at the end, opening it.

Oh, God.

If this was a bathroom, she was a nun!

It was... Huge!

There was no way a normal person would be able to walk around this entire space without stepping on some kind of expensive item.

There was a Jacuzzi in one corner of the room.

The entire bathroom was made of gold and diamonds. Even the floors were golden and shiny.

And the shower? It was so luxurious she almost felt guilty just looking at it! An entire football team could shower here and there would still be room for the cheerleading team!


"Hey Jade! There is no WC in there!" Zeth shouted from outside, banging on the door. Well, she hadn't noticed that, “I don't know if you know but, I don't have most of my internal organs so I don't need it."



“Go away!" It was obvious he didn't need a WC, but this asshole was so arrogant he'd probably ask for a golden one if he did need one!

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now