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By Cadence O’Pry

Sixth Octave, the group consisting of Anton O'Pry, Mort Greyston, Paul Ter Gheist, and the Twins Clyde and Jeyk Hill, has taken over the music industry overnight. Their single soared straight to the top of the digital charts within minutes of its official release and stole the throne from Monster Mash’s hit ‘Call Me Your Monster.’

It seems like Monster Mash, a band consisting of Frank Rubinstein, Draco Von Stroker, Alycandro Alfaro, Finn Seamons, Zeth Rahman, and Everett Frostakov, has finally found a worthy opponent.

With only one single out and already breaking records and taking names, Sixth Octave rules while other knock-off boy bands like Monster Mash drool.

But is it really a fair battle of the bands?

Or is Sixth Octave too good for the overhyped Monster Mash?

It’s Monster Mash vs Sixth Octave, everybody!

Let’s compare the two groups and let the battle of the boy bands commence…

Both Monster Mash and Sixth Octave can sing, there’s no doubt. They each have unique vocalists and strong leads, but what is it that separates each group from one another?

Sixth Octave tends to shine individually. Each member has a distinct voice, and they each bring something different to the table. Their music is appropriate for all audiences, about first love and catchy instrumental-pop melodies. Additionally, unlike their opponents, Sixth Octave keep their clothes on their bodies, and do not oversexualize themselves.

Monster Mash, on the other hand, mainly stands out when they sing together. Their voices blend brilliantly and go from average to extraordinary. Their music is more oriented towards genres such as reggaeton, pop and R&B, talking about inappropriate topics that they almost always sing semi-naked live.

When it comes to dancing, Sixth Octave can do it all. They make sure to incorporate some elegance and exceed expectations with every impossible synchronized dance move. Their choreography is flawless and artistic.

Monster Mash’s choreography is a little more on the sexual side and is similar to how strippers perform. They follow a synchronized routine and grind much more compared to Sixth Octave.

Both groups can bust a move though, that’s for sure! However, Sixth Octave is graceful and delightful while Monster Mash is sensual and, to some extent, vulgar.

Sixth Octave is an exquisite, multi-faceted, and beautiful boy band, while Monster Mash is a more relaxed, liberal, and sensual group.

Despite what some may say, I believe that the boys of Sixth Octave have the potential to be the new reigning kings of pop music. But even though I have complete respect for Sixth Octave and the work that they do, I still prefer Monster Mash largely because we haven't seen the full potential of their rivals.

So don't miss the next episode of The Idol Academy to find out who is the best boy band of the moment!

We'll have the girls from Hollow Woods University’s cheerleading team for the show, showing off their winning routine during Sixth Octave’s performance!

I will also be a special guest judge and give the most important live review of my whole career!

See you at the show!

"I thought we were going to collab with Matchhead O’Pry and his slaves," Everett said. "But instead, I think it's going to be duel."

"Did Cadence just admit that we're better than her son's group?" Draco asked Everett, who was still looking over his shoulder.

"Give me that!" Alex took the phone from Draco and turned to Zeth. "I think this is just advertising."

"Let me read," Zeth held out his hand for Alex to hand over the cell phone, and when he did, he speed-read. "Vulgar?! She thinks we're vulgar?!"

“Zeth," Draco said, pointing to the phone, still a couple feet off the ground in Everett's arms, "I think you'd better keep reading. The worst is almost at the end."

Zeth looked down, his sapphire eyes following each word until…

“It can't be! It just can't be! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU, ANTON O’PRY!" None of Zeth's high notes had been as high or as powerful as the yell he'd just let out. "That bastard stole my idea!"

“The idea of a cheerleading show, right?" Draco asked with crossed arms and a sad laugh. "It seems that brilliant minds think alike."

Zeth threw the phone back at Alex, who barely caught it, juggling a couple of times.

"And you still want to continue with your plan for tonight?!" Draco asked.

“I have no idea!" Zeth groaned and buried his face in his hands.

"Well, we can continue with half of the show you had planned with Kevin's dancers," Draco said, and Everett seemed to agree once he put his vampire friend down. “We can try to do the best we can with the lack of half a show."

"Yeah… okay." Alex huffed, with one hand on his head and the other on his waist.

"Alright, guys, I will solve this!" Zeth raised his hands above his head as if to signal calm before he continued, "Think, Zeth. Think. You are a genius. A handsome genius. Something will occur to you!" He looked around. "We are supposed to prove that not everyone has a superiority complex! We need to give this a chance! Let's show the world who we are. We'll be ourselves. We can't compare ourselves to anyone but our past selves, got it?"

"Yeah, alright." Alex rolled his eyes. "I just hope Cadence isn't too judgmental on live television."

"At least we still have Kevin and his friends," Zeth said, but just then, his phone rang in his pocket. With a trembling hand and a half-confused face, he took it out.

Upon reading the message, his jaw dropped.

It was a message from Kevin.

I'm sorry I told Anton about your plan with the cheerleaders. My stripper friends won't be able to help you anymore. You are on your own. Please forgive me. I'll give you your amulet back tonight if I see you.

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now