Ch 30

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When they just stepped out of that passage, Jiang Qi was almost surprised by the sight in front of her—because unlike what they had seen in this tower climbing challenge, the entire 39th floor looked like It might be a little too different.

Because in this layer, based on the first impression, there are no dangerous enemies, nor are there any dangerous landforms like the ones I have seen before. This entire floor is filled with an overly bright and bustling city, and the fiery trees and silver flowers illuminate each other, making this world shrouded by the blood moon and the black sky unexpectedly bright and dazzling like daytime.

It was a city that never sleeps built on a pitch-black land. Bright lights dotted all the buildings. There were many people walking freely on the street, including NPCs and players.

The surrounding areas shown on the mini-map are all green that is extremely reassuring just by looking at them. That is to say, the NPCs here are not malicious to the players, and they can walk on the streets very easily and safely without worry and be vigilant whether you will be attacked by monsters that suddenly appear from somewhere.

"Are we really on the 39th floor, instead of just getting lucky and coming directly to the rest area on the 40th floor?" Seventh Eleven asked in disbelief.

It's not that she made such a shameful speech, it's because everything in front of them has been peaceful beyond their comprehension.

Unlike Jiang Qi, the four of them fought all the way up from the first floor. Whenever their level and strength improved to a certain extent, these four girls would like to invite them to challenge the tower of Storm Prison suffering.

——After all, this place is really a beginner's paradise. Whether it's experience points or skill book rewards, all of them are given very well. Get some props and materials that are very rare and rare in the outside world.

In short, who can see this without being confused? Naturally, it has become the most sought after leveling holy place for low-level players.

Therefore, Seventy-one and the others also know what it is like in other layers.

There are all harsh environments, such as the cemetery of the undead, the lair of the giant dragon, and the phantom of the moon butterfly... In short, none of them are easy to get along with.

And under the premise that the existence of the map itself is already a harsh environment, and the aborigines living in it are not very friendly to outsiders, and only want to hunt them, it is necessary to defeat the garrisoned people under such a background. Only the guardian of the passage can successfully go to the upper floor. Compared with such a tragic and difficult previous event, Seventy-one and the others almost thought that they had come to the wrong place when they saw the peaceful and somewhat excessive layer in front of them, which seemed to be a very natural thing. 

They were even worrying, could this be fake? For example, as soon as they stepped into the brightly lit city that never sleeps, the whole city would turn into a monster and eat them in one bite? Or this Everything is just the illusion and illusion of Yue Die. If they take it seriously and indulge in it, they will be completely confused and have a GG ending?

A group of five people blocking the gate of the city is still a bit too attractive I paid attention. What's more, these are five beautiful girls with their own merits, and it's hard for passers-by to not cast their gazes at them. Soon, a boy in a uniform who was obviously the official manager of the city that never sleeps hurried over. "Welcome a few adventurers!" 

His eyebrows were curved, and before everyone spoke, a three-point smile was already on the face naturally, so that it would make people feel happy and close to each other at the first sight. I mean, "Is this the first time for you to come to the city that never sleeps?" The little cat Mimi quietly took out a crystal pendulum from the inner pocket of the outer robe, and then fiddled with it secretly a few times under the cover of the wide robe. 

She wasn't sure if the young man had noticed her small movements, because the other party did pass other people and looked at her with a half-smile, but he didn't say anything in the end. Kitty Mimi lowered her head with some guilt, and then glanced at the result given by the pendulum.

There is no danger, whether it is this young man or this city that never sleeps, they are all safe... at least for now. She then shared the result with others in the team channel.

With Kitty Mimi's divination foundation, other people more or less have the answer in their minds about what to do next. Quickly Married walked forward as soon as she took a step with her long legs, and took the conversation without hesitation, becoming the external communication responsibility of the entire team.

"Ah, yes, yes, this is our first time here." Huo Suo married stretched out her hand as if he were a good brother, and patted the young man on the shoulder. She has strong hands, so the figure of the boy she photographed inevitably became shorter.

The young man bared his teeth, but he still stood firm in the end: "I am an employee of the Nightless City, and I am responsible for receiving all newcomers. You can call me No. 13.

" Why don't you hire me as a tour guide? I'm cheap! It doesn't cost much! But I can show you the whole city that never sleeps, and the five sisters together only need to pay me one share!"

Number 13 rubbed his hands together and smiled at them: "Isn't it a great deal?"

This is indeed a good proposal. 

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