Ch 118

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★ Chapter 118

◎What is a silly boy (tactical back) ◎


When Jiang Qi regained consciousness, she looked around and fell into some kind of weird meditation.

This can't be blamed on Jiang Qi, it's really because if any other person is changed to the place where Jiang Qi is now, the performance that the other party can perform will probably not be much better than Jiang Qi.

Because Jiang Qi found that she was standing upside down on the ceiling right now—gravity seemed to have completely lost its effect here, and it operated according to another set of rules that she couldn't understand.

And Jiang Qi has no idea what she should do to return to the "normal" posture.

Fortunately, the system is as powerful as ever. Although it cannot be said that there will be repercussions, most of the time, with the help of the system, some sneaking and cheating can be achieved.

Well, it's always nice to have a little shortcut.

For example, right now, Jiang Qi found that in her system panel, a task that had sunk to the bottom for an unknown period of time and was almost forgotten by Jiang Qi jumped up with lights all the way up and appeared in front of her. .

[Legendary Mission: The Sigh of the Evening Bell]

[Mission Description: Shen Yuan bowed his head, and the divine right was silent.

Under the light of the blood moon, there are also shadows that cannot be illuminated.

The past builds the spiral, and the future paves the armored road.

what are you looking for?

what can you get.

This is Inferite (Infinity).

Will you be the master of time, or the prisoner of fleeting time? 】

【Task reward: *Experience value x10000.

*Unlock the map [Storm Prison], and get half of the prison's highest authority.

*Family magic [Wheel of Time] (???)

*Family magic [Kora no narrow] (???)

*Hidden rewards (obtained automatically when the task is completed 100%)]

Jiang Qi lowered her eyes.

Although the content description of the task is a little vague, but if you read it several times, it is not difficult to find some useful information from it.

At least now Jiang Qi can roughly guess that because of Cornett, she is now in a fragment of a certain time that exists under the influence of the opponent's power.

Either stay in this broken time, become a prisoner of time, and be trapped in it forever; or find a way to clear the customs and leave, and bring Cornit back to the real world.

But isn't the most critical question now, doesn't Jiang Qi even know where Cornett is?

How does this make everything behind unfold?

Jiang Qi felt a headache after a long absence.

There was no one around, and there was no way to get Jiang Qi out of this reversed state. Except for her, everything else looks normal, as if Jiang Qi is the only one who is "isolated" here.

This is not really a pleasant discovery.

Jiang Qi frowned, but since there was nothing around her that could "advance" or prompt her, she decided to move forward normally, and wait until she encountered something else before adapting to the situation.

The environment where everything hangs upside down in the eyes is not very friendly, because I am not used to this kind of vision, so I will have a sense of spatial dislocation from time to time, and even hesitate every step I take. I don't know if this step is correct, it's like stepping on cotton or clouds.

Fortunately, she is extremely adaptable, and soon gradually mastered such a perspective and action skills.

There seemed to be no one here, only those row upon row of buildings. These buildings are minarets one after another, with a narrow glass square window not much bigger than a palm on the top, and a narrow door at the bottom, which is only big enough for one person to pass sideways at most.

Jiang Qi didn't pay much attention to these slender and tall minarets that were more decorative than practical buildings-until at a certain moment, she saw a face from there The narrow window flashed by.

It was a face that Jiang Qi was no stranger to. The appearance of a young man, short milk-blond hair, jewel-like pupils, and a clock-like pattern engraved in the pupils.

There is no need to say the identity of the other party, that must be the key to being able to leave here and go back to the outside world, that is, Cornett.

Although it only appeared for a while and then disappeared quickly, Jiang Qi was sure that she was absolutely right.

At this time, the benefits of being upside down with the whole world are revealed.

Jiang Qi doesn't even need to do anything, just walk over normally. The steeple is so tall that it almost touches the sky, but it is also convenient for Jiang Qi to walk over. When she raised her eyes, she happened to be parallel to the line of sight of the window.

So, through the window, Jiang Qi met the young man in the tower.

"Cornett?" she called.

Young Master's eyes dropped quickly. He didn't move, didn't speak, just stood there quietly, his chest didn't even rise and fall, like a puppet of Jing Liuli.

The boy didn't seem to have any special reaction to Jiang Qi's name, as if...he didn't think it was calling himself.

There was a strange silence in the scene for a while, as if someone had temporarily pressed the pause button, and it was also like the rare tranquility before the storm.

It was Jiang Qi who broke the silence.

The young man in the steeple and tall building obviously didn't respond to the name "Konit", probably at this time, he was using another name and surname.

Just like Cather and Orlando, Jiang Qi has heard their full names.

Therefore, if Cornett had another name before, it does not seem to be something difficult to understand and guess.

Jiang Qi had a vague premonition that calling out the name would be a very important part.

So what could it be? Who was he before he became "Kornett"?

The giant white snake unexpectedly appeared in front of the girl's eyes, with its head and tail intertwined, with no end in sight and no end in sight.

She should have heard that name before.

On a warm, golden daylight afternoon, or a starry night. When the young man lay obediently on her lap and acted like a baby with her briskly and loudly, did he ever mention it?

Jiang Qi's upper and lower lips touched lightly.

"Inferiette," she said.

The puppet, which was originally still, moved.

His eyelashes fluttered slightly, like the wings of a butterfly, or the wings of a chick that has just grown its coat and has not yet tried to fly.

That name is like winding up the doll, injecting power into it, making his whole existence come alive in that instant.

The puppet slowly raised its eyes, and its eyes fell on Jiang Qi, as if it wanted to take a good, serious look at her from head to toe.

Cornett's gaze was peaceful, without any emotional color. But for some reason, Jiang Qi always had a bad mood.

She felt a slight discomfort from the gaze on her.

No, if it was just the gaze from Cornett, Jiang Qi didn't think she would have such a stress response as if facing danger.

So, this should be...?

At a certain moment, as if she suddenly realized something, she turned her head abruptly.

- The previous discomfort was not an illusion.

Because Jiang Qi found that, from some unknown time, many figures appeared behind the windows of the surrounding minarets. All of them have the appearance of Cornett, some are children, some are teenagers, some are young people, like the appearance of "Konit" that may exist in different time nodes.

And now, perhaps because she called out their names, all the "Kornit" no matter what they were doing before, were all startled at this moment, and they gathered behind the only window of the steeple, looking towards Jiang Qi's direction cast a faint line of sight.

Jiang Qi will feel unwell, but it is really normal! No matter who is stared at by so many gazes, even if there may be no malice in those gazes, it will definitely not be a comfortable experience!

Her eyes quickly swept over these Cornetts. They didn't seem to be afraid of being discovered, but when they looked at Jiang Qi, there were no emotional fluctuations in the sapphire blue pupils, like unconscious dolls or wax figures.

Jiang Qi then understood.

If she wants to detect this trick from time, perhaps the first thing she needs to do is to find the real one among so many "Kornit".

But Jiang Qi closed her eyes and let go of her perception to test, only to find that these Cornites are all the same—although there are some differences in appearance, their "core" is exactly the same, just It's like dividing a certain whole in the most even way, and each part will not be more or less even a penny.

There is no difference between them in her perception, even smaller than the difference seen by direct observation with the eyes.

Jiang Qi: "."

How do you tell the difference?

She sighed a long time, thought for a while, and went forward to knock on the window of the boyish Knit in front of her.

The boy behind the glass was attracted by her action, and his eyes moved slightly, following the movement of Jiang Qi's fingers.

"Can you let me in?" Jiang Qi asked.

The boy didn't respond right away.

He tilted his head slightly to one side, as if thinking about Jiang Qi's proposal.

For the boy, the very luxurious girl with moon-blue hair and long hair in front of him is an "intruder" who suddenly broke into his world.

If he followed Inferite's past style, he would certainly not agree. This is his exclusive "safe zone". In this chaotic and disputed area, Inferite obtained such a small pure land by relying on his talent and some ingenious structures.

In fact, what he really should do is to expel the girl from his safe zone immediately, which is the most suitable approach; however, driven by some kind of force, Inferette made a mistake. down.

Then he realized what he had done: "..."

The expression on the boy's face finally changed slightly.

He seemed extremely annoyed by his behavior just now, but what he said was like water poured out—this does not mean that Inferite has such a high moral standard, and he must fulfill what he said, It was because the moment he answered, the door under the minaret had already opened.

...It doesn't have to be so smart.

So the question now seems to be, Jiang Qi, who has formed a reverse order with the whole world, how to enter the door that opened on the ground.

She stared at Inferet for a while like a bat hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"Help?" Jiang Qi asked.

Why did she think he would help her, thought Inferet? The high gate that would open the minaret is already the limit.

A few minutes later.

Inferite looked at the girl who walked into the steeple and was standing in front of him now, with an expression of extremely painful struggle in her eyes.

--what's up! Isn't this still letting the other party in!

Inferiette! Can you be a little more angry!

And Jiang Qi had just stepped into the minaret, and before she even had time to observe the appearance of the tower, she heard the dull crashing sound of "bang bang bang" coming from the side.

She looked along the voice in confusion, and then found out in horror that Cornitt was hitting the wall with his head "boom".

Jiang Qi: ...ah this.

It turns out that Kid Cornett was a fool before?

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