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Although Orlando looked extremely calm and composed, as if he just made an invitation casually, no matter what kind of answer Jiang Qi gave afterwards, he would not be moved - but only Orlando himself know, under his seemingly calm appearance, in fact, his mood is not as calm as it really is.

The eyes of the girl in front of him fell on him, as if she was thinking about something. During this not too long silence, Orlando actually felt a little uneasy for a long time.

For him, this is really a rare thing. Because since a long time ago, Orlando has cultivated an overly calm mind, and it is true that he has not experienced such emotions for a long time.

Under Orlando's seemingly calm but nervous eyes, Jiang Qi seemed to have finally figured out a result, and slowly nodded her head.

"Okay." Jiang Qi agreed.

The stone that had been hanging high in Orlando's heart finally fell to the ground slowly. But the pride and reserve of a young man didn't allow him to show it too clearly, so he only had a sporadic smile in his eyes, but he had to pretend to be indifferent 

Come."You will find that this is a very good decision." He said.

Then, until this time, Orlando was able to pretend as if he was very indifferent, and asked Jiang Qi about the matter that he had cared about for a long time.

"I never knew your name." Orlando said, "So, what's your name?"

When he asked this question, his eyes did not fall on Jiang Qi, but he was looking at something else, as if this was just a casual question, an ordinary conversation.

It's just that Orlando knows in his heart that he can't help but drift the peripheral vision from the corner of his eyes towards Jiang Qi, and the heart in his chest is also beating at a higher frequency than during the most intense battle beat.

He was worried that Jiang Qi would refuse, and he didn't want to get any rejection answer from the other party.

‌If Orlando had a tail, then Jiang Qi could of course peep into Orlando's true heart through the frequency of the tail's shaking; Qi then lost this useful detection method, and naturally had no way of knowing Orlando's heart.

——Otherwise, this is a very commemorative fun worth watching repeatedly.

"Anderina, my name." Jiang Qi said, "If you want to be called by a title, you can call me this."

"Just to communicate better..." Orlando stretched out his hand, combing his hair back impatiently, revealing a smooth and full forehead, "You have already given your name Me, as a courtesy, I will also hand over my name to you."

Obviously it was just an exchange of names, but for some reason, Orlando revealed it with such an overly solemn attitude, as if it had some other meaning in it.

"I'm Orlando."

"Yeah." However, Orlando was a little surprised and puzzled that the girl who had not expressed much expression in front of her and seemed a little too cold suddenly smiled after hearing his self-introduction, "I know."

I know your name, and I also know that although this name is not visible now, it will become famous in the entire desert in the future, and just mentioning it can attract countless people to bow their heads.

You will be the only king over the sand.


Orlando himself traveled all the way, after stimulating his own cells with thunder magic, so that his body's explosive power reached the strongest, so he rushed from the oasis to the city of Naples in the shortest time.

After crossing, I became the mother of all demons [MTL]Where stories live. Discover now