3. Shopping Time

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With everyone settled in their spot along the Tighnari train, the walk to Alhaitham's house was relatively seamless. 

Only "relatively" because of the many times Tighnari had to slow down because Kaveh spotted something and wanted to stop and look as well as every time they went down an incline, Alhaitham would tighten his grip in Tighnari's tail and shuffle very very slowly. Though, that part was completely understandable considering the poorly thought-out ramps scattered around the city. They were a huge hazard, being far too steep and having no guard rails whatsoever. He made a mental note to bring it up to Kaveh once this whole thing is over. The architect is well-respected and should have enough sway in Kshahrewar to get this fixed.

But that is all for later. Back to now.

They finally made it to the house and Tighnari unlocked the door with the key Alhaitham handed over earlier.

"Thank the archons, my hand was gettin' sweaty." Kaveh announced, letting go of Tighnari's hand and heading inside. 

Alhaitham let go of Tighnari's tail and quickly made his way in as well, going straight to his room. 

"Alright so I'll make Sabz Meat Stew for myself, Kaveh, and Cyno and I'll make some pita pockets for Alhaitham. Sound good?" Tighnari asked as he set Cyno down and made his way to the kitchen. 

"And dessert!" Kaveh called from the study.

"Yes, and dessert. But it's not going to be homemade." Tighnari pointed out with a nod, "Now, are you all sure you can stay here on your own while I get ingredients?" He asked, mentally checking off spices and flour from his mental shopping list since he spotted them in the cabinets.

"Yep!" Kaveh called again.

"Mmhmm." Alhaitham mumbled as he toddled back into the great room, a large fluffy blanket wrapped around himself and dragging on the floor behind him. 

"Can I go with you?" Cyno wondered. 

"Sure, but since I'm going to have to carry things, you need to stay close. No wandering off." Tighnari said firmly.

"Kay." Cyno said, turning to leave. 

"Alright, let's go then." The fox said before closing the door behind him.

Alhaitham made his way into the study. Considering he was going to be stuck like this for an uncertain amount of time, he wanted to go ahead and fetch a few books he'd been meaning to get to. Luckily he still retained his ability to read or else he doesn't know what he'd do. Probably just curl up in a corner and sleep until the leyline effect wore off. 

Or die.

Unfortunately, the books he wanted were all on shelves he could no longer reach. Not even that high either, literally just the mid-height shelves. 

He furrowed his brows.

"Stop pouting, which book did you want?" Kaveh asked, suddenly appearing at Alhaitham's side. This made the scribe jump in surprise but he quickly replaced the expression of shock with a frown.

"Was no' poutin'." He insisted.

"Sure you weren't. Which book?" Kaveh asked again.

Alhaitham stayed quiet for a moment, knowing that he would not be pronounce the long, complicated titles of the books he wanted. So he simply pointed and answered with a simple affirmative sound when Kaveh grabbed the correct books.

"T'anks." He said, holding the three very thick, and very heavy, books to his chest.

"Ya know, I think I like you better this way. Tiny, cute, and quiet. My sweet little junior." Kaveh said with a giggle, ruffling Alhaitham's hair. 

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