4. Goodnight and Good Morning

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Tighnari stood at the sink washing the dishes from dinner, his mind running through the events of today. 

He'd never heard of any leyline incidents like this before. Yes, leylines held the memories of the world but it only ever showed as recreations of animal or plant life. One could interact with it but it never lasted long enough to make an impact.

There have been reports that, on occasion, leylines could sort of "replay" a past event that took place in that same spot. 

But nothing about present people being directly effected by a leyline disorder even when removed from the leyline location.

So what in the world happened to Alhaitham, Kaveh, and Cyno?

Tighnari huffed through his nose and dunked the plate he was holding under the soapy water.

Whatever was actually happening wasn't any of his business!

It was the business of the Dendro Archon herself!

All Tighnari is tasked to do is take care of these three in the meantime.

Which is already a monumental task to begin with so he shouldn't spare any energy to postulating his own hypotheses on the matter.

All this would do is cause him a headache.

Of course all of this needs to be reversed as soon as possible but he has more important things to do.

Like getting these three to bed. 

"Alright," He said to himself as he unplugged the sink drain, "Bedtime." He dried his hand with the disk towel before setting it down on the counter. 

"Already?" Cyno asked from the living room, TCG cards strewn across the couch around him.

Tighnari nodded, "Yep, clean that up and go brush your teeth. Me and you can sleep out here on the couches. I'll go find some spare blankets." Tighnari said.

Cyno sighed, sadly picking his cards back up to put back in his Casket of Tomes.

"Kaveh? Where--" Tighnari began as he opened the door to the study.

Said child was sleeping soundly, head and arm resting on the messy drawing he was working on.

"Knew it." Tighnari mumbled, making his way over.

He gently picked the boy up, noting the colorful smears on the side of his face that was against the drawing. Kaveh can forego the teeth brushing tonight but Tighnari is definitely wiping all this stuff off. The still-sleeping boy just readjusted in Tighnari's arms and continued to sleep.

They made their way to the bathroom where Tighnari dampened a washcloth with warm water. Kaveh made a quiet whine as his face and arm got cleaned but otherwise stayed sleeping. Jeez, he must've been really tired. 

On their way to Kaveh's room, Tighnari poked his head into Alhaitham's room to ask where the spare pillows and blankets were.

Only to realize that Alhaitham was sound asleep as well.

With a sigh, he just continued to Kaveh's room. He pulled back the covers and gently laid the boy in bed. Honestly, both Kaveh and Alhaitham had pretty big beds and it seemed a little unfair that their current teeny tiny kid bodies have all that space while Tighnari has to fit himself on the couch.

They can have a discussion about the sleeping arrangements tomorrow morning.

For now, Tighnari tucked Kaveh in snug as a bug and exited the room to do the same for Alhaitham.

Books were scattered around the tiny body that laid sleeping in bed and the one he was reading laid open across his torso. Tighnari started collecting the books, making them into a neat pile before setting them on the bedside table. He slipped a bookmark into the open one before setting it aside as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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