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"You're gonna have to come visit me, I won't make it without you". My heart hurt with his words, knowing that I wouldn't see him for a long, long time.

"I will, I'll try to." I noticed a glimpse of a tear in his eyes while he nodded to what I just said. "You'll do great, Charlie." The tear that formed in his eye now ran down his cheek.

"As will you, Gracie." We laughed at the nicknames and with that I got in the car and in a second, my mom was driving us to the airport. "Honey you will see him in no time, I promise you." I nodded to her, fiddling with the bracelet around my wrist.

Fuck I already missed him.

I woke up sweaty and stressed in my bed. I sat up quickly, trying to locate where I was and connected the dots quickly. I wasn't sixteen, I had not just said goodbye to Charles and that farewell did not happen.

I wished it was that simple, our goodbye. Not that we even had one. I wished we did though, and I wished it was as simple as it just had been in my dream.

"Grace, I love working with you, you know that but you're making it very hard today." I rolled my eyes at Michael who was now desperately trying to convey me into rearrange my schedule this upcoming week.

"I already told you Micheal, I'm going to Monaco and that's it." He gave me a loud sigh. Michael was my PR manager and even though he was amazing at what he did, he was incredibly annoying at times too. And pretty much matched up his feeling about me.

"But this trip to Italy will be much greater exposure for you. You are this close to sign the contract with Dior now, and I need you on that gala on Friday." He held his thumb and index finger close together to show me just how close I was to getting the contract of being the face of Dior this upcoming year.

I didn't need to look at how close his fingers were pressed together. I knew just how important this contract was, both to him and me. I wanted it so bad, but I just couldn't help but going against his wishes like I usually did.

God I would've hated my job if I were him.

"And you're saying Monaco is bad press? Look I told my best friend I'd go see her, I haven't been home in years. You promised me I could go there for a couple of days, plus I'm sure she already has some fancy event planned for us, it is Monaco after all." He nodded slowly, walking back and forth in my office.

It was a room I decorated minimalistic with a white couch, a desk and a chair. Two plants sat in the large window and a few paintings decorated the walls. That was it. I liked it that way. Not too personal.

"Get me back on that and I will go check if I can plan something for you two as well." I nodded to him, feeling content to have persuaded his mind a bit. That wasn't something that happened every day.

Today was Tuesday, 24th of may. My flight was leaving for Monaco tomorrow afternoon, giving me plenty of time to pack tonight.

I only had a couple of things left to do here before I could leave to go home. I was still living with my mom in an apartment in central Paris. That was when I wasn't travelling with work, which tended to be quite often nowadays. It didn't seem necessary to move out since I already wasn't home too much. It was enough to come back here when I was free and then I'd get to see my mom once I did.

After not being able to keep living with my dad, we felt Paris was the definite right choice. We'd now been living here since 2015, the year I had turned sixteen, making this my seventh year in the capital of France.

I loved it here.

"Soo, I think I'm all done packing now. Is there anything special I need to bring?" I'd put the call to my best friend on speaker as I was sitting on my suitcase, trying to get it to close.

I will love you for always - [Charles Leclerc]Where stories live. Discover now