Chapter 2 'Ramen & Rain'

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[Alright, so the first chapter did great! 900 reads in 24 hours and over 140 votes. That's incredible. Comments were down by a long margin, but with time and such. I'm happy with how the first chapter was, and I feel the second can live up to it more. Hopefully, this book can become something more. But we'll see how things go, I guess.]

[Your POV]

...January 24. A day before I would first step foot into my new job. I was nervous beyond belief. I couldn't sleep. All I would do would find myself staring out the window at the dark night sky. Not that it was very dark however, due to the bright billboards not too far in the distance. Thankfully, they also weren't close enough to make any sense of the night disappear. Nevertheless, I knew that if this continued, I wouldn't be nearly as prepared for my first day on the job.

So, in a desperate attempt to find some stability in my life, I took my first adventure into the busy city. All so I could find a vital packet...Of ramen. I don't know why, but ever since I was old enough to cook my own food, Ramen was always a go to. So much so it became a comfort food of sorts. Something I'd always partake in whenever I was nervous or stressed. And with my first day on the job only a few hours away, I knew I needed something to help calm myself down.

Unfortunately, there was one problem.

Heavy rain. The plethora of tiny droplets coming together to form a massive storm. I had never seen such vicious weather before, and never even expected it in a place like Tokyo. Even so, a bleak, miserable day was the best way to describe my current moment. With an old news paper I found over my head, and a plastic bag of ramen and a few other familiar drinks, I raced along the side walk to return to my new home. 

Thankfully before I knew it I was finally under the covers of the bottom of the stairwell. A high breath escaped my lips as I finally hunched over. After having to stand up straight for a good thirty minutes due to having to hold the news paper, the relief I felt as I finally dropped my arms was incredible. So much so I physically spoke out in the pleasure I felt upon being released of such pain.

(Y/n): "Argh~ Finally. I never thought I'd feel this good again." [Chuckles] "Man, I can't wait to get home and have something to--"

However, the pleasures that awaited me were soon put on hold when I lifted my head all to see the stone-cold gaze of a pair of yellow eyes staring right at me. At first, it seemed like that was all it was. Deep, yellow eyes with spirals in the centre. They seemed to swallow my very soul, leaving me unable to digest anything else about the world around me. Eventually, something snapped, and I was brought back to reality. 

At that point I noticed that the eyes belowed to the woman with red hair from few days ago. Makima, I think her name was. Though, what was weird was the fact she just stared at me as she silently stood in front of the elevator. It was like a solid wall was between us, a cold presence brought by the scene we shared. Her eyes seemed so vibrant with colour, yet also blank. As if nothing was behind them. It wasn't long before I noticed the silence building and decided to break it. Starting off with a cough as I stood up and nervously rubbed the back of my head.

(Y/n): "Um...Hi?"

No response. She just kept staring at me. I started to wonder if I had something on my face or something. I took a quick risk to shift my gaze momentarily and glanced at a nearby window. My reflection was enough of a solid reference to realize I didn't have anything on my face. That just led my mind into a whole other direction. But upon turning back to Makima, she had already turned her gaze back toward the elevator.

Briefly, I just stood there myself and looked at the scene before me. No noise filled the air. No hint of the elevator descending from the upper levels to reach the floor. If I was thinking logically, it seemed like this woman was just standing here, staring at an empty door in front of her. But I didn't want to be rude in thinking that. It was at that moment I started to wonder whether or not this woman was not exactly all there in the head.

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