Chapter 9 'Falling'

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[And onto Chapter 9 we roll. We've been cruising with this book, and with each chapter that passes, more and more interesting stuff is revealed. The last chapter was kinda left on a pretty big cliffhanger. Obviously, there is the added aspect of the mystery involved with this book which I hope you're enjoying. Some of you from comments and personal PMs, who have given some good ideas and theories like Control Devils and such. Though something you guys failed to notice in the last chapter was...Makima had a smartphone. Why would she have a smartphone in 2003, when this story takes place???

Something to think about. Hopefully, you all are keen to see where this story goes from here. Because trust me, this story...It's just gettin' started.

[Your POV]

It was clear as the seconds began to build up that things were not going to go as smoothly as I may have once hoped for. The tension smoothly built into the cold night air that blew against my skin as I locked eyes with the guy standing before me. It definitely wasn't the ideal situation. 2 A.M. in the morning, standing on the walkway of an apartment building several stories high. All the while someone, who clearly was not happy with the sight he saw, stood before me. But all it took was a single memory of how much Makima disliked this guy that made all the doubt go away.

I remembered how Makima told me how this guy used her sadness to force his way into her life, even when she asked him to leave. It made my anger boil to the point all I wanted to do was punch him right across the face. He deserved it for mistreating such a sweet girl like Makima. Speaking of which, it was as I remembered the name of the sleeping girl who I currently held in my arms, that I was brought back to reality. Her voice a smoothly sound that managed to get rid of every other emotion around. All so my gaze suddenly dropped to her own.


My gaze immediately dropped as the soft sound entered the air, watching as Makima slowly removed her face from buried in my neck to slowly lift it up to my own. A brief pause filled the scene as we just stared into each other's eyes. It felt like everything was taken away, giving me a moment of peace. Unfortunately, that peace didn't last for long as another voice sounded soon after.


...And just like that, our eyes were broken apart. In union, we switched our heads to the right, where Makima's eyes soon opened wide. It happened as soon as she saw who was standing there.

Makima: "Takeru?"

With his name being sounded, the man I now knew was killed Takeru made his smile more noticeable as he stepped out from a dark patch of the night to send his smile toward Makima. All it took was a single glance on my behalf to realize something wasn't right. The smile seemed genuine, but there was just feeling that came with looking at it. And the sudden way he dropped it upon glancing back to me, only to return it seconds later as his gaze fell back to Makima. I was so caught up with this guys shallow attitude that I failed to notice Makima's fingers grasp tighter to my buttoned-up shirt.

Takeru: "Makima? What are you doing out so late? This isn't like you."

Makima: "I-I was...I was just having fun."

Takeru: "Fun? What are you...Are you drunk?"

It wasn't hard to tell. The smell of alcohol was clearly in the air. A look of shock momentarily rested on Takeru's face. It seemed like he was seconds away from growing angry. But before he did, he simply sighed, shook his head, and smiled.

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