Chapter 7 'Talk To Me'

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[Here we are...Two days later after the previous chapter blows up...And finally, we get serious. Now, the approach in which I go with Makima in this story may actually come as a surprise. I'm trying to get a lot of divided thoughts about all of this. But I guess there is only one way to find out. I hope you enjoy people, because, as one of the most reused lines in my stories go... "This is where the fun begins~"

[I swear I ain't lying when I say this is the absolute best chapter of this book! This is where things get real!!! And prepare to feel some emotions you may not have first expected to feel for Makima.]

[Your POV]

You know how that one animated turtle in that movie says "Today is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but now...Is a gift. That's why it's called the present.?" Well, before today, I thought that was a simple line to remember every now and again eventually. But now I've come to truly understand, in a surprising way, how that one sentence perfectly explains my life. It's definitely safe to say I never expected what was to come my way from a simple encounter with a stranger. But for better or worse, it happened, and now I'm left unknowing of what to do. And who knew it started with a simple bowl of Ramen...


The smell of freshly prepared Ramen stenched the air. It's definitely not the ideal smell I would have liked to have when a situation turns serious. Then again, I never expected Makima to show up to my door out of the blue. All it took was a good minute for our two bodies to stand on opposite sides of the door, our quiet voices all we could hear, before I found myself stepping to the side to allow Makima entrance into my simple home. In the seconds leading up to it, I had no problem with allowing Makima to come in. 

After all, I could tell from the few words she spoke whilst standing outside that clearly something was wrong. And with all my thoughts seemingly directed on this one girl, I was more than willing to allow her any kind of comfort it would bring by letting her inside. But as Makima walked passed me to enter my apartment, I immediately came to question a lot of things. Did the place smell? Other than ramen, of course. 

Did I clean the dishes on the bench? I didn't want Makima thinking I was a slop. Was the toilet seat down? Were there any messy clothes left on my bed--N-Not that I planned to show Makima my bedroom or anything? But the thoughts just came so fast that I quickly began to worry. Nevertheless, before I knew it, Makima was already halfway into my home. Standing silently between the point of the kitchen and living room. No words came as she looked around. That was until a silent voice, filled with unknown emotions, very carefully spoke out.

Makima: "Your home looks very nice, (Y/n). It definitely suits your personality."

That final statement got me questioning. What was she referring to exactly? It got me curious. But, instead of daring to take the conversation in a completely different direction. I simply smiled along with a chuckle as I unconsciously scratched my head.

(Y/n): "Uh...Thanks, Makima!" [Chuckles nervously] "I-It's not exactly much. But, it's home, you know...?"

Makima: "...Yes..."

The word came quickly. Far quicker than I was truly prepared for. I was more so focused on the fact that in this short time since entering my apartment, Makima had yet to even turn to me. Her eyes continued to examine the room around her in silence. I was tempted to speak up. To just say something more. But, eventually, my thoughts were silenced when she slowly turned around to smile at me. The one good sign of emotion to be seen from her since she first knocked on my door. 

I don't know why. But seeing Makima smile, made me smile as well. That one action was the chain reaction that went off, allowing in the short span of a few minutes, for me to direct Makima to sit down at a nearby table. The only source of a proper eating area. I acquired the item a few days earlier but hadn't happened to use it yet. 

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