new experiment

322 5 31

Mentions of!!
• S/H
• Su1c1de (no committing dw)
• Depression
• Gore
• Cannibalism (thats the book name dummy)
• Author notes😨

Stay Safe‼️‼️💥💥💥🤪🤪🤪🤪
Lightbulb POV:
"Ugh..." I muffle, my face stuffed into a pillow, that I'm pretty sure is soaked from the amount of times I cried into it.

I shuffle a bit in Paintbrush's bed, trying to get to sleep, my drowsy eyes sealed shut. But my stomach was grumbling loudly. I hadn't eaten for a while, I lost count on how long... but i didn't think it was that long since I ate..? Whatever.

I opened my tired, stained eyes, after lifting my head up from the wet pillow. I sat myself up, my hunched back cracked as I shuffled my way out of the untidy bed, my thin dirty hand clenching my head.

'I should probably clean this mess of a room up... even though Paintbrush won't be here to see it clean...' I thought, my eyes watering up again, I rubbed the tears away but they just kept coming back, eventually I gave up and I just slowly creaked opened my rooms door, walking out into the pitch black hallway, beginning to wander to the kitchen, the salty tears crawling down my face continuously.

'What time is it...? I thought it was 2pm or something..?' I wondered to myself, staring down at the floor as I groped around in the darkness, searching for the kitchen.

When I eventually made it, a cold shiver went down my spine, the freezing room made me cross my arms,
'How cold is this stupid kitchen!? It's not the winter or something..' I grumble to myself, slightly trembling my way through the eerie room.

I stopped. I could smell something.

'I- What..!?' I mumble.

Narrator POV:
The shivering Lightbulb made her way towards the smell, it getting stronger and stronger at every step she took.

It lead to behind the counter, what was it?

It was—


"What now..!?" She tiredly whispered.

Lightbulb she turns to face the direction of the noise, she saw a green figure scurry off, a tiny bit of the green liquid spilt onto the floor. At the sight, Lightbulb already had an idea of who that could be.

Lightbulb POV:
What the FUCK was THAT!?

Was that Test Tube!?

What was she doing!?

I walked to where she was standing, scanning around the room for any sight of her so called friend. All that was left was the mysterious green liquid she possesses in her head.


'Where did she go?!'

I eventually heard footsteps, who was awake at this time? Wasn't it like, 3 am?

It was—

Nickel POV:
Jesus who's making so much noise at half past 3 in the morning!?

I know I can never sleep and I was awake anyway, but that someone could wake up Baseball or Suitcase!!

"Who's making all this fucking noise?!" I say, trying not to be too loud.

"What." Someone whispered, confusion surrounding this objects voice.

"Where did she go!?" They yelled again.

"Hey! Shut up!!"

"I— Who's that!? Are you Test Tube!?"

"Test Tube?? Of course I'm not. Does it look like I am?" I grouch, stepping in-front of them, it was Lightbulb.

"OH— Nickel."

"Why are you talking about Test Tube for..?" I ask.

"I-I saw her!! She stared at me for a SPLIT SECOND!! Then she just ran off when I looked at her!!"


"If you couldn't see already, her liquid, thing, is on the floor right where I'm standing!!" She said in annoyance, pointing to the floor. She was standing on a green-ish stain.



"Go back to your room Lightbulb!!"


"Listen to Someone for once in your god damn life!! Just go back!!" I shouted again, sweat starting to drip down my face.

"Tell me Why!!"

"Test Tubes After you!! What do you think happened to PAINTBRUSH?"



"She what.."

I suddenly felt something on my leg, a tight grip on my ankle. I tried shaking the thing off, but I failed multiple times.

Narrator POV:
"What the fuck—!?"

Nickel shook he is leg again, Lightbulb staring at him in a state of shock.

"Lightbulb a little help!?"





Out of nowhere, Nickel was yanked into the darkness of the hotels hallways, the loud scream echoing Hotel OJ, It slowly fading out.

Lightbulb snapped out of her trance as soon as the screams stopped, realising she didn't help him.


She could hear doors opening and objects investigating the hallway, OJ being one of them.

"...Lightbulb what did you do....!?" He questioned. His voice slightly raised. While Lightbulb was just shivering in the spot, staring at where Nickel was dragged away.

"..Lightbulb..!?" OJ shouted again, shaking her trembling body.



(Words: 797)

This chapter sucks I know😭😭

There'll be an update on our fav brush of paint the next chapter (aka the one I'm writing when ur prob reading this, if not then ok)



Cannibalistic Experiments ~ II FanficWhere stories live. Discover now