The New Girl

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This is what the new girl looks like.

I kind of feel the need to explain that The System is only sometimes sentient. Like when they want to talk to Yua, they sort of take control. The System is usually on autopilot. But they'll be more sentient later on.

[I must say... You must have really embraced the 'just rolled out of bed' look today.]

'Shut the hell up. And don't you have anything better to do?'

[Nah. Great job on your training so far. No one in the other dimensions got this far.]

'🤨 Dimensions? And what's with the compliments? You need something don't you.'

[I guess you are right. There is a disturbance I need you to find. Don't ask what. Even I'm not all too sure of what it is. I just need you to find it.]

'No❤️ I'm busy trying not to die.'

[What do you mean no?! And how did you even say the emoji? This is not just something you can refuse-

'-don't know don't care. Sounds like a you problem to me🤷‍♀️'

[Well then, I will assign it as a mission!]

'You wouldn't dare😡'

REWARD: 1000 points]

[I just did🤭]

'Not cool man😕'

Yua walked out of the green foliage after arguing with the system and finishing a gruelling exercise practicing Absolute Aim and the Body Flicker technique. Who knew you needed to have your body in peak condition and speed to use both. Now Yua can probably say that she is proficient in both. She was drenched in sweat and her breathing was laboured. Where did this sudden motivation come from? Maybe it came from her desire to live to see the next sunrise. After all, the wave arc would probably start soon.

Team 7 had gone on D-ranked missions ranging from chores to weird situations. Last month, there was one where Yua and Sakura had to pretend to be the girlfriends of some horny rich brat. Let's just say things didn't end well for him. He ended up with a couple of broken bones and angry uncompensated girls ready to rip him a new one. But that's a story for another day. Yua did get something out of that situation; she ended up bonding with Sakura. But, Yua didn't get anything new packages from her.

With these thoughts, Yua walked casually to the field to meet up with the rest of her teammates. Not bothering to change her clothes. Dully noting someone walking far behind her. It was probably Kakashi judging from his regular lazy pace and chakra signature. So Yua didn't comment on the fact that he was starting to get uncomfortably close. Before the situation got awkward, Kakashi broke the silence, "I know you can sense me." Yua stopped and faced him, "What do you want, Kakashi?" she asked, her voice holding a hint of annoyance. "I just want to know what you're planning," he replied, his gaze intense.

"I'm not planning anything," Yua said lying through her teeth. "I don't believe you," Kakashi said. Yua sighed, "Why would I lie to you?" she asked. Kakashi didn't answer, his gaze still fixed on her.
Yua wondered why Kakashi was behaving this way. But to be fair, she hasn't exactly been transparent with anyone on the team. Yua wasn't exactly sure if Kakashi had her best interests at heart. But, she decided to tell him something that would get him off her back. After all, if Hiruzen was still riding Danzo's dick then she would never be safe if anyone found out. She thought for a moment before finally coming up with a plan. She would tell Kakashi what he wanted to hear and then go back to her own plans. "Fine, I'll tell you," Yua said. "I'm not planning anything, I'm just trying to figure out how to get stronger. That's all."

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