Chapter 5 - Katherine's Deal

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I haven't said anything for days. Any time someone comes near me I shy away from them. Each one of them has tried to get me to respond and my mouth will open but I can't seem to produce any sound. Even Damon tried to make me laugh but nothing worked.

I overheard them talking about Sheila. Apparently I can't go back there anymore but I didn't hear them say why. I miss her, she was so kind to me.

Katherine is finally allowed to speak with me as Elena realises she might be the only chance at getting me to say anything.

"Little one, are you okay?"

She wakes me up in my bed, the morning after another night of horrible nightmares. I look at her stiffly before nodding then shaking my head, then nodding again. I don't know what to say. It's the most interactive I've been since I confused her with Tatia on the day they found me.

She sits by my side and I can smell her perfume. I immediately know that she's the one that found me and saved me from Liz. She carried me back here and I feel safest around her. She was the one that saved me.

"How did you find me?" I whisper under my breath but she hears me clearly.

"Sheila used a tracking spell before..." she trails off before starting again. "I was stuck somewhere nasty but when I got out I realised you were missing. Sheila thought Bonnie had taken you to stay with Caroline. She wasn't fully aware of what was going on."

I listen but don't say anything else. She hands me half a cup of blood and I down it in one go. "Do you want more?" She asks and I shake my head.

"You don't need to worry about that happening again okay? Damon compelled Liz and she won't remember anything about you," Katherine explains.

When she sees my eyes squint she explains what compulsion is to me and I realise why the Bennetts didn't want me to know. They thought I'd make everyone take me to Katherine to find my family and they didn't want that because they don't like her for tricking Bonnie.

"Now I have a secret to tell you but you mustn't tell anyone else okay?" I nod immediately and she continues. "You promise?" I nod again eagerly.

"I know who your family are," she says quietly after looking behind her at the door to check no one can overhear.

A huge smile lights up my face and I throw my arms around her in a massive thank you. It's the first time I've willingly touched someone since the incident with Liz and Katherine tentatively hugs me back, trying not to scare me or push me too far.

"I don't know where they all are yet little one. So will you be patient for me so I can find out?" She asks and I agree again bobbing my head up and down, so pleased she can help. I knew she could help from the start.

"The only thing is, I upset your family a while ago and they have been looking for me," she stops and checks if I am paying attention to her. I am hanging on every word. I want to know everything I can about them.

"They won't let me go if they find me, so when I help you find them will you say that I was the one who brought you back? And that I saved you if they find out about Liz? Will you tell them how nice I am to you and that they should let me go?"

I look at her questioningly considering her strange request.

"We're friends aren't we Hedda?" She tries another angle and I nod. "Friends look after each other don't they?" Another nod. "I'm looking after you at the minute so will you look after me later on?"

I think about it for a bit and realise this must be why she resurrected me. To swap me for their forgiveness. I should have known my family are all still bad at forgiving people.

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