Chapter 34 - Hedda the Bug

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(Picture is Edey Claire tricked into doing magic x)

I stare at myself in the mirror as Meredith adjusts the position of my glasses on the bridge of my nose.

"What do you think Hedda?" She asks brightly, expecting me to be happy.

But I'm not.

I'm so mad she knew I was lying when I told her I could see normally again. I don't know how she knew but she did.

Maybe 'Lijah told her I've tripped over Henry more times than he can count in the last week. Poor Henry.

"I hate it," I pull them off my face and the world instantly fades into a messy blur.

The lenses are so thick they make my eyes look googley. I look like Hedda the bug instead of Hedda the awesome most funnest hybrid in the whole entire world.

It's not fair.

Father and Gabriel hurt me and now I still can't see or hear very well. It's been a week and there's no improvement.

At least I'm not getting worse.

After Meredith took out the lumps of poison in my back, I woke up feeling a lot brighter. Even Finny noticed my dazzling smile because most of the pain had gone.

My itchy back has improved, leaving only one itchy shoulder. It must be healing, that's why it's itchy. Scabs always itch.

I refuse to tell anyone it's irritating me because I know they will freak out. I've hidden it from my family and Meredith since the day they had to cut me while I was asleep to help me. They can see I'm much better but I'm too scared to let them check me over because what if I'm not and they have to use the knife again?

It makes me queasy and scared thinking about it.

I insist I'm all better even though I'm not completely.

My healing has returned but not fully, Meredith said it might be a little while but she was also shocked to find out I still can't see or hear.

They all thought I would be okay.

So when Meredith gently puts my glasses back on, I cry in the mirror.

Finally I can see again but I look so stupid. I hate them.

"I know they're not your favourite but they'll help you Hedda," Meredith gives me kind words of encouragement.

"I don't like them," I stamp my foot on the floor.

"Hedda..." Nik sighs, deciding not to push me. "Let's take them home anyway, you might decide to try them properly later."

"No never. I'd rather wear horrid shoes," I cross my arms and he seems to understand.

He knows I haven't worn any shoes in a long time, since 'Lijah decided other battles were worth fighting with me instead. Like bedtime.

I don't care.

No shoes. No bug glasses. No bedtime.

I won't.

Meredith asks to look at my back but I refuse to take off my top. Nik tells her I'm getting back to my usual self so she doesn't demand to examine me luckily.

Instead she suggests trying some sort of camera that can see through my top to check how I'm healing without taking it off. I agree to that and promise to stay still.

I'm not allowed to wriggle and it's very hard in the cold, dark room but I manage because I'm trying so hard to be good.

Meredith seems very serious and grim when I return and Nik is in the phone, probably to update 'Lijah.

Hedda MikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang