Chapter 10 - The Grill

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'Lijah lets me sleep next to him. Halfway through the night I shift over to the middle of his double bed to curl up beside him before drifting back off. It's exhausting seeing my brother again and he lets me sleep for as long as I need.

When I finally wake I don't remember where I am until I smell 'Lijah and feel him hugging me as he sleeps. Slowly I extract an arm and poke his chest to make sure I'm not still dreaming about seeing my family.

It's not a dream. He's here with me.

"Oi," his voice rumbles in my ear making me jump. I didn't know he was awake.

"I'm just checking you're really here," I defend, jabbing him with my index finger again.

"I should be the one to check you're real Hedda," he is still amazed that I am alive.

"It's today! Take me to our family, let's go," I sit up in bed, excited and ready for the day.

"When did you last have some blood?" He changes the subject on sneakily without me realising.

"Um, yesterday at dinner."

"Let me give you some now," 'Lijah offers and makes his way over to the fridge. When he opens it I smile. It's full to the brim with blood bags just like the ones I've been having.

"Yum," I say when I take the first sip. I hold the bag out to my brother but he refuses politely. When I've finished as much as my tummy can handle I hold it out for him to put back in the fridge.

"You know Stefan and Damon want to kill Nik don't you 'Lij?" I check worrying about Nik being hurt.

He looks a little guilty when he responds. "Yes I do. I will stop them, now you're back. Niklaus should be content in our whole family being back together now you're here."

"Do they really want to hurt him? I like Damon he's nice and I can't really imagine he would hate Nik."

"Do you trust me Hedda?"

"Yes course I do."

He kisses the top of my head. "Good, trust me to protect you and Niklaus."

I nod in acceptance. Nothing bad ever happens when 'Lijah has promised. I trust him completely, he has never done anything bad ever. He will keep us safe, he always has.

"Are you still hungry?"

"I just had blood."

"Let's get you some proper food, I don't want you cooped up in here all day especially since I'm not going to be here this evening. It's the full moon."

"You're going out? On a full moon? Be careful of the wolves, don't you remember Henrik?"

"Of course I remember. I'll be very careful, Katerina will be here with you until I come back."

I grin happily. That gives me more opportunity to matchmake between them seeing as yesterday didn't work well. 'Lijah was not pleased with what I said.

We head to the Mystic Grill and I even wear shoes because I want to be good for my big brother. 'Lijah orders me a lemonade and some tomato pasta but I don't know what any of that is. Real food is so strange and a lot doesn't look real nowadays. I start eating it anyway, it tastes quite nice.

"Hedda?" My head pops up and I see Caroline approaching our table cautiously.

"Caroline," I call and run over to give her a hug. I haven't seen her in ages. She relaxes somewhat but remains tense looking at my brother.

Hedda MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now