Ninjago City

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Ninjago is owned by Lego Company because if I did I would make many changes to it.

Alex's day started out normal ... until it wasn't.

It was like every other day. Alex woke up, brushed his teeth, skipped breakfast, and his mom wished him a good day at school. He got in his car and started off for school. Then he got hit by a truck and he died.

He wished he could say it was the truck driver's fault, but he wasn't paying as much attention since he was still sleepy from waking up early in the morning.

When he died Alex thought there would be like heaven or hell or maybe even a big void for him to drift through for the rest of eternity. He didn't think he would open his eyes ,slumped against a wall, and smelling the terrible stench of trash.

"Where on Earth am I?" Alex thought. He got up and saw that he was in a long alleyway with one path coming to a dead end and another leading onto the street. He was still in the same clothes that he had worn when he died, a T-shirt with jeans and tennis shoes.

Then he realized that he had died and with that realization came panic. "What the hell" Alex thought. " I died. I saw that truck hit me. I shouldn't be in some alleyway. I don't even live in the city. Why am I still alive?

When Alex had slightly calmed down from this revelation he decided to leave the alleyway to see if he could find clues of where he was.

Nothing immediately gave him clues of where he was. He saw things that every city usually had buses, loud people, big snakes as tall as normal people.

"Why the hell is that snake as big as me," panicked Alex," and why isn't anyone else panicking either," As he panicked people were starting to give him weird looks for the commotion he was starting and started walking quicker away from him.

"What seems to be the problem young man?"

Alex looked to his left and saw an elderly man. He looked to be in his 60s giving him a concerned look. "Haven't you ever seen a Hypnobrai before?" He asked

As Alex heard this, shock struck him causing him to freeze to the spot. Only one unbelievable thought came to his mind.

" I'm in the world of Ninjago."

"How is this possible?" Alex thought. " You don't just teleport to one of your favorite tv series you like when you die." Alex stood there just pondering why he was transported there when he felt a tap on his shoulder that startled him.

"Are you okay?" asked the old man. " I kept trying to talk to you, yet you were just standing there stiff as a statue."

" I'm okay." Alex lied. He was anything but okay, but the man didn't need to know that. " If it isn't too much trouble though could you tell me where I could grab a newspaper though"

"Um, sure," the old man answered, confused. " There should be a place you can grab one around the corner." He said, pointing his thumb behind.

Alex thanked him and started to head the direction the man pointed. When he found the place the man mentioned he saw a headline that relieved him greatly.

" Chen's Anacondrai army defeated by the sacrifice of the noble Sensei Garmadon!"

Alex was happy and sad when he saw the headline. Happy cause he now knew that he was placed right after season four had happened. Sad because he saw that Garmadon had sacrificed himself. He was always one of Alex's favorite characters and never liked how the sensei part was only there for a short period of time.

Now comes the hard part of what to do with his knowledge. He knew he wanted to prevent things ,but he wasn't even sure where to start or how to do it.

"Should I contact the ninja and tell them what I know," He thought about it for a second and decided not to. The ninja are practically celebrities and he doesn't even know where exactly they are.

"Speaking of places, where am I?" Alex questioned. Even though he could probably guess he is in Ninjago City he still didn't have anything to confirm his thoughts.

"You're in Ninjago City idiot." said a rude voice behind him.

Alex looked and saw a middle aged woman behind him in a purple dress. "Did I say that out loud?"

" You did." she replied and walked off with an almost arrogant stride in her step.

"What a Jerk." Alex complained angrily even though she had answered his question.

"Now what" Alex thought. He decided that he wouldn't contact the ninja because that would be a bit too difficult and even if he met them he would have to convince them somehow that he wasn't totally off his rockers for claiming he knew their futures and that he was from a reality where there lives was a cartoon.

Alex started walking down the street. He didn't know where he was going ,but walking always helped him to think in his previous life and maybe he could come up with something if he just started going.

Remembering his past life and everybody he was leaving behind saddened him. His family and friends were gone and he would never see them again, but maybe he could see them again after all he was in a cartoon show.

" I need to put myself somewhere where I could intervene and change things ,but should I even change things? Everything turns out fine in the end almost every time and everybody lives." Then thoughts of Cole turning into a ghost and other points of suffering came to mind. Alex realized that even though everything turned out fine the ninja all still suffered through it.

"What could I even do?" thought Alex. The ninja all had elemental powers, were athletic, and had spinjitzu. Alex had none of that, no training, no elemental powers, and definitely no spinjitzu. There would be no way that he could help take on any of the enemies to come. Thoughts of enemies like Aspheera, the overlord, and Morro brought a shudder to his spine.


Alex wasn't sure how he was going to deal with him and he knew he was going to have to deal with him considering he would be the first enemy to show up. He could hit him with water and be done with it all, but Alex didn't think that was the appropriate way to handle him considering his past and all. He did end up having regrets at the end and gave Sensei Wu the realm crystal along with warning him during the Day of the departed about Yang's plan. Still that was after everything had happened which if he was going to intervene would then not happen.

"Why does dealing with one problem have to be so complicated?" he thought. At the moment his stomach decided to give him a more urgent bigger problem. Hunger.

Alex didn't have any money on him and even if he did it wouldn't be the money he needed considering Ninjago doesn't have the same currency as America did obviously. Which then led to the third problem of money. He needed some which would mean he would need a job to not only feed him ,but also find a place to live.

At that moment a breeze picked and a paper flew into his face. He picked it up and saw a job offer.

"Night watchmen needed at the Ninjago City Museum." Pay......"


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