Ch 15: Be Safe

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I awake to the voice and touch of Sesshomaru, letting me know it's time to bathe. We went to another hot spring and Sesshomaru was a bit more clingy but that's okay with me. We got cleaned up and left straight back to the others. When we got there the servants were already awake and making breakfast. I was kind of surprised they were doing even more for us but grateful.

I checked on the others and only Sango and Jaken were awake. Which I was also grateful for I didn't want any questions asked about our whereabouts. Sango starts to put all her belongings together and then sits down to eat with me. We ate silently together and when we were done eating the others came in to eat. Sesshomaru was outside somewhere not wanting to be around all these humans.

Since I was done and packed all my stuff, I just went outside to wait for the others. Sango met me outside and we started to talk.

"So...," she giggles. "What were you and Sesshomaru up to," she teases.

Instead of answering I blush and look away, shyly. Nervously I say, "Nothing."

"Sure, nothing," she says lightly elbowing me and winking.

I wanted to scream this is embarrassing. So I change the topic and ask about the jewel shards. Telling her about how it shouldn't be this difficult to find them. She agreed with me and said it might be because our group has several powerful demons. To her though Sesshomaru was the one that probably truly ruined our chances.

It was almost time to go when Sesshomaru came back. He went inside then came back out to tell me he has to go check on the palace and make sure nothing is array. He lifted my chin gave me a deep and passionate kiss then took off to the skies. Truthfully I wanted him to stay but I know this is something he has to do as a lord. Hopefully this trip doesn't take him long.

The others come out so I assume they are ready to go, and ask them which direction they wanted to head in. We thanked all of the villagers for their hospitality and started to move again. Slowly we walked on and finally in the distance I see something shinning. I let them know what I see so we can get ready for a fight. I tell Jaken to take Rin somewhere safe, of course he got a bit pissed but knew not to say anything. Slowly we walk up to the demon and its a bat demon. 

"More jewel shards brought straight to me," he happily says with his back facing us. He turns around and grins," Give me the shards."

We all get into fighting positions ready to do whatever we have to to get the five shards he has. I noticed his eyes were grey but didn't think much of it. We were getting ready to strike but before we could do anything he knocked us all out in the blink of an eye all I could think is no...

I'm standing on a cliff with Sesshomaru with a beautiful view in the distance. Knowing that we will be going to war soon and although I want to help everyone wants me to stay back just incase. I feel uneasy like something bad is going to happen but I don't want to worry anyone. I don't know what's to come so I hope that nothing bad happens. So, I ask Sesshomaru the question that has been weighing heavy on my heart.

"Sesshomaru," I ask.

"Hn," he says while looking at me from the corner of his eyes. 

"Are you willing to marry me," I say curious. He doesn't answer but grabs my hand and holds it. I look at him and he's staring forward with a blush on his face. I smile and latch on to his arm and lay my head on him finally getting the answer I've been waiting for.

I awoke in a dark and wet cave wondering where I am. Realizing I've been sealed to the spot I'm in, I have no time to focus on the dream I just had. I have to find a way out. 

Suddenly I hear a chuckle from afar, "I see you have awaken Empress of Blessings."

I look at him confused and ask, "What are you talking about? I'm not an empress."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, no need to lie my dear empress I know who you are," he says evilly.

"I truly have no idea what you're talking about," I emphasized.

"Do you truly not know who you are?" he says unconvinced.

"Do I have to spell it out for you, I have no idea what your talking about," I insisted.

"Well this is great, I finally have you and you don't know how to use your own ability," he angrily shouts.

Then he goes on a whole tirade about how this is the second time he's got me and he won't let me go until I give him what he wants. Then he starts mumbling about how he needs to figure out how my abilities work before anyone comes for me. I just let him go on and on because if I interrupt who  knows how hell react he already has me sealed, I don't know what else he has up his sleeves. He walks away somewhere mumbling under his breath, that's when I decide to look around and see if I can escape the seal. I try using my powers and all of a sudden the seal lights up red and electrocutes me.

I scream out and slump over breathing heavily and I guess that alerted the demon because he comes back and says, "Trying to escape are we, well too bad I made the perfect cage for an empress like you." Then he starts to laugh, "You really don't know what you're doing, I was counting on that." I just look at him annoyed and disgusted, "Well this makes it easier for me I can figure out the one thing I need to teach you and then keep you for any other wishes I have." He walks off telling me he'll be back with something that should help.

It had been awhile and I fell asleep again. When I woke up I was laying on someone's lap. The person had white pants and a strong aura. When I look up its Sesshomaru and he looks young, his features not as sharp. I stare at him for awhile before he looks down then pushes me off him.

"HEY!!! What was that for???" I ask angrily.

"If you were awake you should have moved," he said monotonically.

"Why? We're getting married anyway you're going to have to take care of me," I yell. He walks away and I yell his name running after him upset he ignored me.

I regain consciousness and I'm in the cave again, and all I can think is what is going on. As I'm wondering what time it is, the demon walks in again. 

"My beautiful empress I got what we need," He says joyfully. I just scowl at him angrily. "Awe, don't be angry this will benefit both of us, mostly me." He claimed. "Now go to sleep beautiful," he smirked.

The Miko,Her Lost Love, and Powerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن