Ch 11: Change is Weird

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            As we all started cooking and getting ready to leave, we all, except Sesshomaru, talked about what course of action we needed to take to get the rest of the jewel shards. After we finish deciding what direction and course of action we are taking we start heading on our way. As we were walking, Sesshomaru kept staring at me and I didn't think anything of it at first, but it's been a while now and he is still staring. After debating with myself I decided against asking because it's probably nothing.

           We run into demons without the shards more often than we run into the demons with them. Everything has been handled a lot faster with Sesshomaru around. I wonder if he thinks this is a waste of his time to kill all of these lower-level demons. I also wonder if he hates being around Inuyasha and the others considering he doesn't like humans or his brother. I guess Rin and I really are the exception to this rule.

           As I was talking to everyone, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were staring at me strangely. Sesshomaru with more of a squint and Inuyasha looked confused, but they still haven't said anything. I just looked at them with a confused expression and then they both stopped staring. I wonder what's up with them. As I am focusing on that, my head starts to hurt. I couldn't think straight anymore, so I stopped walking and started to hold my head.

           "Ow, my head," I say, holding onto a tree with my right hand and holding onto my head with my left. Sesshomaru comes to my side to help me sit down. As I sit the pain gets worse and now, I'm groaning in pain. I can hear someone ask what's going on, but I didn't know who asked. All of a sudden, I'm seeing a young boy and girl playing and four adults watching them. The girl was chasing the boy and the boy seemed slightly upset by it. I couldn't see much of their faces; all I know is that the boy is wearing white, and the girl is wearing blue. After that everything went blank, and I didn't see anything else.

           After I woke up again it was nighttime and Sesshomaru was next to me, looking at me with concern. I still have a slight headache but at least it's not as painful as it was earlier. I told Sesshomaru that I was fine and he asked if I wanted to go to a hot spring to relax but I told him no. I did ask him to take me to a flower field so we can sit and relax there. Being alone with him is always comforting.

"Kagome, do you know what was wrong with your head?" he asked, while pulling me into his lap.

           "I think...I was remembering something I'm not exactly sure what, but a boy and a girl were playing together, and four adults were watching them," I said slightly confused about the memory. "The boy was wearing a red and white Kimono, while the girl was wearing a blue and white Kimono," I said.

            Sesshomaru's face scrunched up, which is surprising because he doesn't show many emotions. He seemed to be remembering something himself because he started to hold his head too. He looked like he was getting dizzy and he looked to be in a lot of pain. He laid his head on my shoulder and started to hug me tightly. I started to ask him if he was okay but he wasn't responding to me at all.

           I lifted his head to see if he was still in pain, but his face was relaxed, so he must've passed out. I tried to wake him up, but he didn't budge. So, I guess we're staying here until he wakes up, whenever that will be. I decided while I wait, I might as well sleep too.

           I awoke to someone tapping my shoulder and when I opened my eyes it was Sesshomaru. He was looking down at me and gave me a forehead kiss as I looked up at him. I softly smiled at him and kissed him on his lips. I cuddled a little closer to him and asked if he was okay, he said that he remembered the same thing I did but more clearly. His parents were there, and he was the little boy. The little girl looked like me but as a demon and the other parents there had some resemblance with the little girl, so he assumed it was her parents.

           Knowing what I know now, I told Sesshomaru we must have met a long time ago as children. He agreed that it's the only logical explanation. We both sit in a comfortable silence as we watch the sunrise. When we decided it's time to head back to the group, Sesshomaru grabbed my face gently to give me a kiss, but he stopped and stared instead.

"What is it, what's wrong?" I said, confused.

"Your face, it has blue lines on your cheeks like mine," he said looking a little confused.

"It must be a part of the changes that's supposed to happen," I shrugged.

           He nodded, gave me a kiss and we started to walk back to the group. Since it wasn't time for them to awake, I decided I would go back to sleep until everyone was awake. As I sit up, I yawn ready to start the day but realize I'm by the waterfall again.

"Hi, sleepy head," Yvonne says goofily. "Are you ready to practice some powers?" She questions.

           I just nod my head and start to get up to show her I'm ready to practice. I noticed that Azul is sitting against a tree reading. I say hi and he just waves and goes back to reading, that book must be really interesting.

           "Alright Kagome, we are going to practice plain old fox fire," she says. "This is the basics so it shouldn't be too hard to learn, I will guide you through," she says assuredly.

           We start practicing and she tells me to use my emotions as a way to connect to the fire. She asks me to visualize it, what emotions do I associate with fire, what it feels like, what it reminds me of, and more. It wasn't hard to visualize and associate it with emotions and what it feels like, what it reminded me of was hard. It took me a bit before I got it down on command because I didn't have it under control, it was either too small or too big. Once I got that under control, I had to learn how to fight with it, which was super hard.

          Fighting with fire was so hard because when I wasn't focused on the fire it would go away. Then I'd have to start the whole thing all over, the fire needed to come to me naturally. I am in control of my fire and my fire is here to protect me. Slowly after what felt like days, I finally got it down and it could finally come to me naturally. Azul was tough on me when it came to fighting with fire. He knew if I didn't push myself to try and be better at it, I would always play damsel in distress, he wanted me to be ready for anything.

           After We finished fighting, we decided what I learned today was enough and that a break is what I needed so we talked about random stuff the rest of the time. "Alright Kagome, it's time for you to wake up," said Azul. I saw Yvonne waving bye to me as I was waking up.

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