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Jing Yuan was a methodical man. He took care of things his own way. Though, his own way usually consists of people thinking he is rather lazy, but truth be told, he wasn't lazy at all. He just .. knows how to relax more so than others.

"Laundered money? Oh dear, now how could that happen?"

Dan Heng slammed a hand on the table. His teeth barred as he gulped Jing Yuan down, "don't play dumb with me, General. Y/n informed me last night of what had transpired. And last time I checked you, I, and y/n, were the only ones within that shop. Not to mention that no one else new of the money transfer. Taking matters into my own hands, I looked into Sampo's accounts and found that someone had hacked into it and switched the legal cash for laundered money which was why it was declined on y/n's part."

"How fascinating," Jing Yuan stalled, "but I'm not one for sob stories, so please cut to the chase as to why the great Imbibitor Lunae, known for slaughtering countless of people, is suddenly so concerned over some hacker screwing over a young lady he barely even knows?"

Dan Heng clenched his fists tight. An undeniable rage rooting itself into the pit of his stomach as he tried not to turn into something .. unsavory and kill everyone at this tea house.

He breathed and calmed down.

"Jing Yuan.. just tell me the truth.. please."

Jing Yuan perked up at that simple word. A light smirk grazing his lips as he reached for his cup of tea on the table and took a small sip from it.

"Since you asked so nicely, then I'll tell you what I know, and I'll even ignore how your organization has been encroaching on my territory for the past few days."

"For the last time, the Stellaron Hunters were-"

Yuan cut him off with a wave of his hand, dismissing the matter, "close your mouth, or I'll leave and cut down this tea shop with you in it."

Dan Heng shut his mouth. His mind wandering back to y/n and her text she had sent him late last night telling him of the laundered money. She was so mad at him. He could tell even through the text. And .. he needed to make things right, he needed to properly repay her for fixing his coat.

So, if he has to say please and even give up some territory to this asshole before him, then so be it. Besides, dealing with Jing Yuan was easier then getting help from Blade...

"Now, since you seem so pent up I'll just get straight to the point. It was Sampo."


Jing Yuan grinned, "hard of hearing? The person screwing her over is Sampo," he decides to just be blunt about it instead of hitting around the bush as some people say.

"But why?!"

Jing Yuan chuckled, "Dan Heng, for a leader of one of the three families, you're quite dumb aren't you?"

Dan Heng tried not to lunge over the table and strangle the man, but he quickly reminded himself that he was here to help y/n. Not to kill anyone.

"Listen, Sampo is a greedy man. He may act nice and think hey! She's my friend, let's help her out! but in reality his greed runs so far that he's willing to even ring out any and all money she has to offer and considering you were the one who helped her our before .. I bet Sampo believed he could get even more money by saying the money was laundered when, in fact, the money is perfectly legal. Make sense now? The man known as Sampo loves money. Its as simple as that. So, instead of falling for his ploys like a fool, I suggest confronting him. Sampo isn't dumb, but he's a coward at heart. Once he's caught, he's as harmless as an bug being squashed under foot."

Dan Heng looked down at his lap, a furious look on his face. That bastard took y/n and I for fools! And Jing Yuan already figured out what was going on. Dan Heng bit the inside of his cheek. But just this morning Gepard had told y/n that he met Blade to which he said that I and Jing Yuan were the main suspects to which she had also texted me about before I called this meeting with Jing Yuan. Fuck!

"Seems like you're in deep thought."

"Tch, whatever. Besides, how did Sampo know i was the one to pay y/n for her recent job?"

Jing chuckled lowly, "who do you think shot you that night in the first place? I'll give you a hint .. it was Sampo~. He made quite the elaborate plan, don't you think? Injuring you, ruining your coat, knowing full well there was only one shop that could fix it while also having the only material that could possibly fix said coat. Giving him full rein to over price it and later saying it was laundered all just to get more cash."

Dan Heng went to stand and threw some cash on the table to pay for their drinks since he was the one who called this meeting in the first place.

"Leaving so soon? It was just getting good. Especiallysince I get to see all those reactions of yours to hearing new information."

"Being in your presence makes me sick. I'll be taking my leave."

Jing Yuan cocked his head to the side, an amused glint in his eye, "are you going to confront Sampo?"

Dan Heng didn't answer as he went to the door of their private room, and when he opened it harshly he accidentally scared the waitress, but he made no move to apologize as he moved past her after slamming the door shut leaving the laid back man chuckling to himself.

Jing Yuan was a methodical man.

He did everything his own way. That included relaxing and taking naps when he can, but maybe .. it wouldn't hurt to really get to know this young woman. Especially if she can actually get Dan Heng to say a word like please.

pure imagination || jing yuan, blade, & dan hengWhere stories live. Discover now