thirty three

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a/n | don't worry, blade and jing yuan haven't been forgotten about lol they'll make a big appearance again soon ;)

Dan Heng's world started with her.

one year ago.

When his past life ended and a new one began, he was immediately shoved into the role of Imbibitor Lunae.

He had no freedom. Felt no love. And only experienced the fear radiating off of others as a sign that he was still breathing, and that this life was still ongoing.


Dan Heng raised his hand up to silence the guard when he stepped out of his office, "I'm just going for a walk. I don't need you to accompany me."

He was quick to make his exit while looking behind himself every so often to make sure his people weren't following, and thankfully .. they didn't. At least they know how to follow orders-

His thoughts were cut short when he tripped and fell on top of someone. His body crashing into them and caging them to the cold pavement.

"Oooowwww, ow, ow, ow, ow! That hurt," a girl's voice whined out. His eyes seeming to finally focus as his attention was brought to the person below him.

Oh wow.

She had big, bubbly tears gathering at the corner of her eyes as she gripped the back of her head, her mouth slanted into a point as she looked to be trying hard not to start burst into tears.

"I'm sorry for- for running into you mister. I- I was just in a hurry to get to my job interview."

He scrambled to get up and easily pulled her along with him. His mouth slightly agape as he tried to piece together all that was happening. Why isn't she running from me? Why isn't she scared? Isn't she afraid? Doesn't she know who I am by just looking at me? If anyone else had ran into me, then they would literally be kissing my feet and trying to apologize, so-

His thoughts were on overdrive. This never happened before. Not in a single one of his lives.

What is going on-


He felt a gentle caress against his forehead, his hair being gently pushed aside, "you didn't get hurt too, did you? Do we need to go to the hospital? Mister?"

He gently grabbed her hand and brought it away from his forehead, "I- I'm fine," he couldn't stop his words from stuttering out of his mouth and his face felt incredibly and embarrassingly hot.

His breath hitched when she smiled.

"You're not hurt? I'm glad!"

She was about to say something else when her phone let out an alarm sound causing her to jump slightly and fish it out of her back pocket, "ahhhh- I'm really going to be late now!"

She waved goodbye to him, "sorry for running into mister! And I hope you weren't lying about not being hurt!"

And then she was off. Her legs carrying her away as she raced down the street.

Dan Heng wished that he had gotten her name, and as he continued to look at her disappearing figure that was getting farther and farther away. His heart made a little tug. His fingers twitched. His breath went heavy.

The feeling welling up inside himself made him grab the front of his shirt. His fingers digging into the fabric, and before he could stop himself - he was running after her.

This feeling he has within himself wasn't a part of his imagination. He was sure of it. He just has to figure out what it is, and he wasn't sure how, but getting to know that girl was a big part of it.

pure imagination || jing yuan, blade, & dan hengOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora