twenty eight

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Imbibitor Lunae was known as the one who knew no kindness. Utter a single word when he hasn't asked or told you to speak, and you would find your head separated from your body.

You moved to his tune, his orders. If he said stop, you stopped. If he said leave, you leave. If he said die, you died.

It was even said that he could make the Aeons feel fear.

In other words, he made the heavens fall.

But that couldn't be right. Y/n heard stories of Imbibitor Lunae when she was only a child. And Dan Heng was much too young to be him.

On the other hand ... the vidyadhara were said to be a race that could reincarnate. They didn't need parents or anything like that. So, in reality, Dan Heng could have lived a hundred lives, experienced everything the world had to offer and even be the one everyone calls Imbibitor Lunae.

Could he really be him?

She shook her head. There's just no way that's possible! Though, I guess I could always ask him..., but would he even answer me?

She bit her lip in thought as she walked home. Head in the clouds while she didn't oay any mind to her surroundings.

Am I even allowed to ask a vidyadhara about their past lives? Or is that considered a taboo?

Ahhhh, what am I going to do-

She tripped just then, her foot catching on a crack in the sidewalk as she fell forward. Shutting her eyes tight, she braced for impact but it never came. Instead, she felt something wound tightly around her waist before she was pulled upright.

"You should be paying attention to where you're walking."

"Dan Heng! I was just thinking about you!"

That seemed to catch him off guard as he tensed up. Eyes focused down at her as his mind raced a mile a minute.

Running into her like this was by pure coincidence. He had just gotten done with a business meeting, and when he walked out of the building, low-n-behold, there she was. Her mind settled deep into her own little world as she didn't even hear him greet her (or even see him wave which kind of hurt but he decided to brush it off).

"You were .. thinking of me?"

He unintentionally pulled her closer. Which was another thing.... when she had tripped and was beginning to fall forward, he knew he wouldn't be able to reach her in time, so ... he caught her around the waist by his tail instead and he hadn't planned on letting her go quite yet.

She smiled brightly at him, her hands resting on his chest, "yeah!"

"What were you .. thinking about?"

He couldn't stop his face from heating up as he waited for her answer. Was she thinking of that near kiss they were about to have? Or maybe something else?

"Well, it was something my coworker mentioned about you. You know, the guy who you saw me with at the Astral Express."

He tensed up some more. But this time, it wasn't out of nervousness.

The Astral Express...he was...affiliated with the group at some point in his life, but he left that place along time ago. Not before erasing any records and data of himself, of course.

"Oh really? What did he have to say?"


He urged her to go on.

"He said that you are...Imbibitor Lunae."

She took a deep breath as she finally managed to say what she wanted, and truthfully she couldn't tell if running into Dan Heng was a blessing of good luck or not. And as a strong silence hung in the air, she finally took a chance and looked up at his face, her eyes widening at the sight.

"D- Dan Heng?"

She couldn't stop the tremble in her voice as she gazed upon his narrowed eyes. His face set into a stern and scary look. In that moment, as his eyes, horns and even his tail started to glow - she couldn't help but to think that he truly did resemble Imbibitor Lunae.

"Is that all he said?"

His words were colder than they were before.

"Y- yes.."

"That so?"

He looked down at her, a hand raising to caress her cheek, "do you believe what he said?"

She pursed her lips, "does it matter if I believe him? I mean .. You're still Dan Heng, right?"

pure imagination || jing yuan, blade, & dan hengWhere stories live. Discover now