Chapter 12: Show Yourself

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Elias rode the Water Spirit towards the glacier. The close they got, the more excited and nervous Elias felt.

🎵Elias: "Every inch of me is trembling. But not from the cold. Something is familiar. Like a dream, I can reach but not quite hold."🎵

The Water Spirit came to the edge of the glacier, and Elias hopped off, getting rid of the rope, and bowing in thanks. The Water Spirit bowed in return and ran off.

🎵Elias: "I can sense you there. Like a friend I've always known. I'm arriving, and it feels like I am home."🎵

Elias turned to the glacier, and noticed a small entrance in the giant wall of ice.

🎵Elias: "I have always been a fortress. Cold secrets deep inside. You have secrets, too. But you don't have to hide."🎵

Elias entered the glacier and looked around at the thick ice surrounding him.

🎵Elias: "Show yourself! I'm dying to meet you. Show yourself! It's your turn."🎵

Elias walked through an ice tunnel, coming out into a more open area.

🎵Elias: "Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life? Show yourself! I'm ready to learn."🎵

🎵Elias: "Ah-ah, ah-ah."🎵

"Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah."

Elias turned and saw a group of lights flowing through the ice down a tunnel. His smile widened and he raced after the voice.

🎵Elias: "I've never felt so certain. All my life, I've been torn. But I'm here for a reason. Could it be the reason I was born?"🎵

The tunnel ended, and fell into a chasm, but Elias wasn't bothered in the slightest. He jumped into the air and creates pillars of ice for him to stand on his he ran.

🎵Elias: "I have always been so different. Normal rules did not apply."🎵

Elias landed on the edge of another tunnel and placed his hand on the wall, which lit up again.

🎵Elias: Is this the day? Are you the way, I finally find out why?"🎵

The light led him to the end of the tunnel that was blocked by several pillars of ice.

🎵Elias: "Show yourself!"🎵

Elias used his magic to blast the pillars out of his way.

🎵Elias: "I'm no longer trembling."🎵

More giant pillar stood in his way, but Elias was able to use his magic to lift them up.

🎵Elias: Here I am, I've come so far.🎵

Once all the pillars were out of his way, Elias could see that there was a doorway in front of him shaped like a triangle.

🎵Elias: "You are the answer I've waited for all of my life. Oh, show yourself!"🎵

Elias blasted the ice door apart, his shattered into small ice diamonds that floated around in a pitch black room.

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