starting off

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A/N this is my first fanfic so if it's similar to others, i'm sorry!!!!!

please don't execute me with harsh comments this is my first fanfic!!!! suggestions and just chats are appreciated, so talk to me!!! i need conversations, i have no friends who read Manhwas and stuff so the internet is where i go! May be a bit OOC (out of character)

just wanted to add  tcf characters are from after the battle in the stan territory and before mount nex (vs cat tribe and statues) .

cale*  =  tboah

cale = tcf


cale was just done fighting one problem when another problem came. "WHATEVER THE WHITE THING SAID ISN'T TRUE!! i don't serve a god!" "I'm not a god either!!" "My slacker life..." Cale ranted to choi Han and alberu, who was is bed 'injured'. when suddenly he felt a teleportation happening. he opened his eyes and saw they were in a  cinema like room. he looked around, the children were next to him as well as choi han and alberu and his allies and some random people were in the room as well.

"Human!!" Raon shouted flying onto cale.


"Focus, you unlucky bastard!" Eruhaben's voice came.

"Why am I healed? Cale? why is everyone-?  You were right in front of me, so somehow it wasn't you this time" The crown prince sighed.

at the front of the room there was a large screen. there were also circular tables and couches with snacks all around.

"A cinema?" Cale thought out loud.

"A bit like that i guess, yeah, hello people of tcf and tboah!" said a girl with black hair, she looked similar to Choi Han but not the same.

'not Korean' cale noted.  

A loud gasp was heard as everyone looked around, there were 2 of everyone. 

People started fighting and the room was going crazy with chaos as the girl watched with deadpan annoyed eyes.

However cale just ignored that around to him and listened to the lady. 'tcf and tboah, ah must be the birth of a hero world and us i guess'

"Cale-nim, have you figured it out?" Choi han asked.

"i guess so"

At cale's words the tcf people calmed down. If there ever so reliable commander had figured it out and was clam they could also be.

'As expected from cale-nim! should i threaten-tell those guys to chill?' ?? Thought.

'welp here goes'

"haaa... settle down! no one's gonna get hurt, to business! I'm Freya, I'm from the next generation"


This person had introduced themselves in a weird way, who was the 'next generation?'

"Hmm, let's say I know the future, and I want you to find some stuff out as well, you" She said pointing to the birth of a hero side.

"Are an unfortunate world, headed toward destruction and waste"



"O-our world's going to be destroyed!?"

"yep, indefinitely, like 0.1% chance of survival, you're all doomed" she deadpanned.

"Hey y-you can't just do that!"

"What are we going to do??!"

"I said I'll show you, so help you save yourselves. You better listen and treasure this information as you are gaining it without the trouble tcf world had to go through, this isn't really for you anyway" Freya said rolling their eyes.

people were panicked, while a certain red head tried disappearing into the couch he was sitting on with the kids. 

'Trash of the counts family??' He was thinking from earlier.

'No way...'

'Yeah, no way'

Cale nodded, it was impossible, there were many trashy young masters in worlds like these, he was a minor side character, not even one of the villainess/villain MC main characters. 

Cale affirmed his belief nodding to himself and glancing around the room.

He wanted to ignore choi hans* stare and all the eyes looking at him for reassurance. he didn't know why but his instincts were telling him to hide. 'Then who else is trash?' Cale did have a list of people in mind, some he agreed with himself were worse than trash.

"That person who our story follows is someone you all know and at the same time don't. We'll be watching their life. Or at least bits and pieces of it. By the way the god of death said 'I'm sorry my child! there was nothing i could do! it was a very big vote! i'll compensate you however you want and it might also help you!'"

"Shit" Cale swore, swearing that revenge would be sweet, but reward? Hmmm.

both Cages heads' shot up at the mention of the bastard god. while said red head was day dreaming about the 'compensation' and getting revenge on the mentioned before bastard god.

"if everyone's ready lets start!" 

trash's life: tcf reactWhere stories live. Discover now