Cry Baby part 2

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hello! Been a bit!

seating (i wrote this so i'll remember :) ) :

Rosalyn, Lock, choi han, Kim Rok Soo, Cale and the kids, Alberu, Tasha

then basically the dragons on a table on tasha's side with pendrick, the people who stay in the Super Rock villa - cage who's drinking on a different table. Tboah* people are still one side and the "bad guys" have claimed the back, not that anyone cares.


quick recap:

{Cale immediately curled up and decreased the size of the shield. Boom Boom. The shield was now smaller, but in return, it was much stronger. It was able to push back an even stronger force of wind.

Cale reached out toward the transparent shield and clenched the transparent handle on the inside of the shield as he continued to move forward.




What the- what was going on? clopeh was crying and yelling with hilsman?

Why were others joining them?

"cale-nya good job" the children gave their approval.


"continuing from last chapter!"

"You can do it young master silver shield!" Rok soo whispered to cale, somehow he'd found about that cringey nickname and was ruthlessly bulling cale about it.

{One step.

Restoration is a cursed power.}

- 'it isn't it it helped you, ahem ahem 'living is the best' isn't it? The thief said.

"it is" cale smiled.

- 'also without your healing power what would poor cale do?' cheapskate commented.

- 'exactly, restoration isn't a cursed power' super rock said.

- 'hah... Thank you guys...cale you better start appreciating me more and stop overworking me!!!!'

"sure" cale said as if wasn't already plotting dangerous and crazy plans for after this.

{Two steps.

My heart was always beating. But I could not move on.}

- 'i've moved on becasue i have you guys again.' all the ancient powers smiled at the crybaby.

{Three steps.

It was because I was afraid of death.

Four steps.

I was afraid of pain because I had always been injured, and I was even more afraid of death, the end of that pain.}

again the crybaby said something similar to cale 'i was afraid of pain' 'i don't like pain'.

Cale was thinking about what the vitality of the heart had said 'i was afraid of pain because i had always been injured' he remembered his childhood, the pain he felt and the hopelessness, he was saved due to his team leaders kindness. team leader Lee soo hyuk and choi jung soo they were his family but his family had died, everyone had, partially it was because of him. He promised he would live and as he had a responsibility to take over, he was alive. The pain he felt became duller overtime, it was annoying, but then he came here and the pain of losing the ones he loves was sharper than ever, sometimes it hurt to remember. He was walking on shattered glass and through glass he could see his life.

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