The Shield part 1

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A/N: FINALLY THIS IS OUT! it's been on draft for a while and every time i see it i feel like 'when will i finish this chapter!', it's fun writing but heh, i'm ridiculously lazy and ideas and inspiration don't come to me easy! Sorry if anyones been waiting, because i agree when you start something and then the author just dips its sad, so i'll try not to suddenly just vanish. 

Anyway, This ones long but the others will probably be shorter or divided into parts! Thank you!




after a short break the next chapter started.

"We're going to watch cale getting he's ancient powers!" Freya said, excited the ancient powers were some of her favourite people and chapters. (me too! i love the APs)

"actually, you never did mention how you got those?" Alberu questioned.

A lot of others also wondered when cale had gotten his ancient powers, heck, they didn't even know all of them. This man was really mysterious.

Meanwhile Bud*, Eruhaben* and other poeple with knowledge of ancient powers caught the 'powers' how did he get multiple of them?

Clopeh was ready to record his legends journey, Rei who was sitting close by clopeh started to inch away to avoid interacting with lunatics. He was pretty sure they were infectious after all.

{chapter 11: picked it up}

"picked it up?! seriously, do you just go around picking up ancient powers like rocks on the street?!" 

Bud agreed with that person, Cale really did do that. There's just no logic to Cale Henituse.

cale actually considered this, i mean he did have to go pick up super rock.

{ 'Young master. I heard about everything from deputy butler Hans. This Ron will do whatever I can with my lacking abilities to make sure you can shine at the capital.'

Cale's shoulders were starting to shake as he walked out of the Count's estate. He was thinking about the conversation he had with Ron as soon as he woke up this morning.}

"Young master? do i scare you? This Ron will try to smile more." Ron said while handing cale a cup of freshly made lemon tea. Cale took it with a scrunched up face it scrunched up even more when he sipped it. It had no sugar! This old man really was trying to kill him!

Kim rok soo was happy he didn't have to drink that poison. He wished cale luck. As if hearing cale looked at him.

'i will get you too!'

'go ahead and try'

"Ron* don't you think Kim rok soo also misses having his FAVOURITE drink made by you"

Rok soo looked at cale with betrayal.

Seeing Ron proudly smiling, Ron* decided to play along, Although he was confused why he was still with that trash- no cale. 'That person must've helped me-him'

"Yes young master i definitely should thank you for reminding this servant of his duties"

"R-ron you're not my servant anymore you don't have to do anything for me and i'm not a young master anymore"

Ron* felt a bit of sadness or was it guilt in his heart?

"It's okay Young master i believe even though i don't serve the henituse house anymore, young master should have his favourite drink again."

trash's life: tcf reactWhere stories live. Discover now