Chapter five

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Alyssa watched with satisfaction as both Ruth and Maxwell's mouth fell open in shock, she also heard Elijah trying not to laugh. "Look here you damn floozy, I don't know what street corner my son got you from but I think it's best if you go right back to the street corner.” Ruth said before taking a breath before speaking again. “You have no idea what family you are mouthing off to, you have no reason to talk about my son like that." Ruth said with a disgusted look in her eye.

Alyssa's mouth fell open in shock and she could feel rage flowing throughout her veins as Maxwell busted out laughing. "Floozy?! I'm not a floozy, for your information I have never had sex. I'm just a girl that got sucked into this world! Your dumbass son made a deal with my parents and apparently, I was the prize. Oh by the way I don't give a shit who your family is!" Alyssa snapped, her voice getting louder and louder till she was yelling. She took a deep breath trying to calm down as she felt her heart beat faster than normal, she stood up in a hurry. "Please excuse me, I need some air." She said as her voice cracked from anger as she started walking off.

She heard a clearing of a throat, making her stop dead in her tracks. "Miss. Alyssa, my family is the best of the best in hell, you see I'm the king of hell which means my lovely wife is the queen.” The man said before taking a breath and began speaking again. “I'm hoping you see where this is going. We do not care if some stupid human gives a shit about us, your dumb ass parents made a deal and stupidly thought my son would forget the deal.” The older man chuckles. “Oh no sweetheart, we devils do not ever forget a deal. Now what my son does with you is totally up to him but till my son decides to get rid of you then you're stuck here, oh and one more thing, I don't like that you called my wife an old lady, please apologize." Maxwell said calmly with a hint of smugness in his voice.

Alyssa stared at Maxwell for a moment. "You're telling me I have to stay here like I don't already know that, I know I'm stuck here but I don't wanna be, I don't care if Elijah is the prince of hell. He's an asshole for taking me away from everyone and everything I've ever known, now if you excuse me I'm going outside like I said I was and no, I will not apologize she was rude to me first." Alyssa hissed in a dangerously quiet tone before she spun on her heels and walked away.

Elijah stared after her before looking at his parents. "When am I getting the crown of hell? I'm not getting any younger, you know." He questioned them, his father calmly took a sip of wine as the waiters started to bring out the food.

"You know the deal, Elijah." Maxwell said calmly.

Meanwhile, Alyssa stood outside in the garden staring at the moon and stars, the moon had a red tint to it and she couldn't help but think it was beautiful, it seemed to be the only beautiful thing in this ugly place called hell. Alyssa turned as she heard footsteps coming towards her from behind but it was too dark for her to see, she cussed to herself.

"Hello…is anyone there? She questioned. A few moments went by before a voice spoke.

"A sweet angel like yourself shouldn't be stuck with an evil man like Elijah, if you don't leave now something bad will happen to you." The voice that sounded a lot like Josie said.

Alyssa stepped closer to the voice and reached a hand out to touch the person but all she felt was air. "Josie…is that you? You know I'm not here because I want to be right?" Alyssa said already very impatient, yet again a few moments went by before she heard the mysterious person again.

"Shh, he is coming." the voice whispered before she heard footsteps walking away. Alyssa stared at where she thought the voice came from. ‘If she wants me gone so bad why won't she help? she wondered to herself.

Alyssa jumped letting out a startled scream as she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder and that's when she realized she was shaking. The hand on her turned her around and she saw Elijah holding his cell phone to his face so she could see him.

"What the hell are you doing out here? You've been out here for an hour" he snapped at her. Alyssa could feel rage flowing throughout her vines yet again as she pushed his hand off her shoulder.

"I don't give a damn how long I've been out here! It's better than being inside and wanting to kill your hag of a mother!" She shouts as Elijah begins leading her back inside to the party.

"Well shit Alyssa, you're acting like everything is about you. I didn't HAVE to bring you here but there are some things you don't understand right now and you will probably hate me even more once you find out but right now things are the way they are and you will just have to suck it up." Elijah said as they walked inside the party, they walked over to his mother and father.

Elijah could see his mother holding a bag. "I think it's best we get going, a devil's work is never done." Elijah said as his mother handed the bag to Alyssa. "Here's a doggy bag, perfect for...well you get the name."

Elijah raised an eyebrow. "Mother, what in Sam's hell has gotten into you? You know what it doesn't matter like I said a devil's work is never done." Elijah said as he began to lead Alyssa out of the party.

Elijah could feel Alyssa's anger rolling off of her in waves as he opened the limousine door and watched as she got inside before he too got inside. Elijah closed the door and felt the limousine begin to lift into the air. "Well that was a wonderful experience." Elijah said sarcastically. A few seconds went by and Elijah could see Alyssa's leg bouncing, from anger he was guessing.

"A wonderful experience?!" Alyssa snapped turning to face him before continuing "A wonderful experience?! That old hag was a bitch to me and so was your father! Let's not forget Michael who flirted with me the whole time, besides that your mother pretty much called me a slut!" She screamed. a few quiet moments went by before she huffed and looked out the window.

Elijah chuckled softly. "Yes I will admit my mother was quite the bitch, but I must ask why you said I made you scream so loud the hellhounds start barking?" He questioned as he leaned forward running his thumb over her bottom lip. "The real question is, do you want me to make that happen?"

Alyssa felt her mouth fall open in shock before she closed it, swallowing hard."I have n-no idea w-what you m-mean." she finally managed to stutter out, she could feel her cheeks start to heat up as she looked at him.

He chuckled softly before speaking. "Most girls would kill to be in your place." He said in a half joking, half serious voice. Alyssa opened her mouth to reply but got cut off as the door to the limousine opened and Elijah got out holding her doggy bag and that’s when she realized they were back at his house.

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