Chapter six

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Alyssa stared after Elijah, she jumped as she heard the driver, Leo's voice and turned to Leo. “Miss.Alyssa, do you have anywhere you wish to be?” He asked. Alyssa shook her head

“No thanks, unless you can get me out of here.” Alyssa said without a second thought, Leo stared at her for a second.

“Miss.Alyssa i wish I could take you home but I can't, Mr.Lucifer wouldn’t be very happy with me if I helped you out.” Leo explained in a half sympathetic tone. She nodded in defeat and gave him a small fake smile.

“Then no Leo, I do not wish to go anywhere.” She said before she got out the limousine and closed the limousine door and walked up the steps and into the house. Elijah was thankfully nice to leave the door open for her.

She closed the front door and turned around to head to her bedroom, she had just put her foot on the first step to head to her bedroom when she heard Elijah his clear throat. “You know, you never answered my question.”  Alyssa turned to face him and blushed as she saw he had his suit shirt unbuttoned just enough to reveal his chest, he was leaning against the wall in front of her. She looked down quickly at her hands and started picking at the skin around her fingernails, ‘really any other time you would have a badass attitude but the minute he has undone his shirt you turn into a blushing school girl’ she thought as she rolled her eyes.

“What was your question?” Alyssa asked as she looked back up at Elijah. He pushed off the wall that he was leaning against and walked in front of her crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why did you say I make you scream loud enough that the hellhounds start barking, is there some type of fun that i don't know about happening? Do you want me to make you scream in pain, fear or pleasure? What type of screaming are we talking about here? You didn't exactly say." He said with a smirk across his face.

Alyssa rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. I would never let you make me scream in pleasure. Fear or pain maybe, but pleasure? I would have to be dead to let you anywhere near me. much less anywhere near me enough to make me scream in pleasure, definitely anger cause you are such a pain in my ass." Alyssa said, rolling her eyes before walking upstairs and into her bedroom.

A few hours later, Alyssa heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" She shouted, the door opened, and there stood Josie.

"How was the party?" Josie questioned. Alyssa stared at her for a moment remembering the voice and the late night phone call from the other night. 

"You should already know since you were at the party, speaking of which, why were you at the party being creepy? And let's not forget the late night phone call, who were you talking to?" Alyssa snapped impatiently.

Josie stared at her confused "What in the hell are you talking about? I wasn't at the party! A housemaid stays at the house hence the name, so what if i got a call in the middle of the night. What are you, some kind of cop? Can someone not get a call at night?” Josie asked sarcastically. "Now what in the hell happened at the party?" Josie then questioned, Alyssa stared at her trying to see if she was serious or not. Alyssa sighed as she couldn’t get a good read on Josie.

"Honestly? The party fucking sucked, their mother and father were assholes, their fucking mother called me a floozy and Michael made me dance with him and flirted with me the whole damn time, oh let's not forget their father reminding me I have to be here like I don't already know that, then when after walking away from them all and going the garden to calm down I heard a creepy voice that told me not to trust Elijah and get out of hell. Oh, let's not forget Elijah flirting with me on the way back here! He never once flirted with me and now suddenly that his brother has, he suddenly wants me! Wait….why do I care if the brothers flirt with me? I don't give a shit about them!" Alyssa said as Josie stared at her.

"Well I can't tell you if you truly heard the creepy voice or not since I wasn't there but IF you did hear a creepy voice say that you should probably listen to it." Josie said before she turned like she was gonna walk out of the room, Josie paused "a sweet thing like you shouldn't be in hell, you're almost as sweet as an angel." Josie said before she walked out.

It had been a week since the party and Alyssa couldn’t stop thinking of the voice. She knocked on Elijah's office door where she knew he would be, ‘where else would he be?’ she thought to herself with an eye roll. For the so-called devil he sure isn’t out of his office a lot, she would have thought he would have been all over the world getting lost souls. She had gotten broken out of her thoughts when she heard the door open and a throat being cleared, she looked up to see Elijah in front of her.

“May I help you? I told you to never bother me while I was in the office.” Elijah growled. Alyssa shook her head.

“No, you said to never come INTO the office, I am not in your office so, therefore, I am following your rules.”Alyssa said matter of factly before continuing. “Which by the way I think is stupid, why do I have rules I must follow but you don't?” She questioned before shaking her head. “You're distracting me, that’s not why I came up here. The reason why I came up here is that I need to talk to you about something that happened at the party.” Alyssa stated.

Elijah raised his eyebrow before leaning against the door frame slightly and crossed his arms before speaking. “The party happened a week ago, why come to me now? Have you come to me because you want me to truly make you scream? The big question is, do you want me to make you scream in pleasure, pain or fear? And as for how the rules go, this is my house. Not yours. My house, my rules. Do you want your own rules? Get your own house…oh wait, you can’t because I’m keeping you here with me.” He stated.

Alyssa rolled her eyes, ‘was she rolling her eyes a lot or did he just piss her off too easily’ she wondered to herself, she flinched as she heard the snapping of fingers in front of her which brought her out of her thoughts. Elijah now stood up straight in front of her, tapping his foot with his arms crossed.  “You said you wanted to talk to me about something? If you have something to tell me, please do. I am a busy man, a bunch of souls are passing through so I have lots to work on.” Elijah said.

Alyssa huffed out a breath before speaking.“You know if you don't slow down, you’ll never notice the good in life. Anyhow the reason i wanted to talk to you is because when i went out the garden to calm down the night of the party. I was alone till a voice spoke up that sounded a lot like Joise. They told me that I didn't belong in hell and I should run before something bad happens to me, a girl that’s almost as sweet as an angel shouldn't be here in hell.” She explained.

Elijah rolled his eyes. “Really Alyssa? You want out of hell so bad you are telling me that Joise, my house maid, who isn't even allowed to come to the party, didn’t listen to me and came to the party then waited till you were alone to tell you to leave and if you did not leave, bad things could happen? Does that really sound like Joise to you? The same house maid that cooks every single day and makes sure you have your morning tea?” Elijah questioned her.

Alyssa stared at him for a few moments before huffing. ”I swear I am not crazy! She was really at the party and she was really telling me that I need to leave or bad things will happen!” Alyssa shouted.

Elijah sighed as he uncrossed his arms. “Alright fine, let's say for one minute that I did believe she did come to the party, why would she stay hidden when she said what she said? Why didn’t you say something the night of the party? It's been a week since the party, Alyssa.” Elijah stated.

Alyssa chewed on her lip for a moment as she thought about everything he said. “You know what, never mind, don't believe me. You don't gotta believe me, I don't care but I know what I heard. Everyone thinks just because I am the only human in hell I must be crazy, who wants to be in hell, right? Well let me tell you something buddy boy, I am not crazy!” she screamed before stomping up the stairs and into her bedroom slamming the door shut behind her loud enough that she knew he heard it. 

Alyssa looked around the room she called her bedroom and sighed. She couldn't really call it HER bedroom. A bedroom was a place designed with love and had little things in it to tell you about the person who stayed in said room, this room only had a bed in it, a closet and window, this is a prison cell if she was being honest to herself. Alyssa groaned and fell down onto the bed. She laid there for a couple of minutes in silence before she heard Lucifer moving around downstairs. She knew she had to leave this place and she had to leave soon.

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