chapter 13

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Elijah heard the door slam shut as his back made contact with the wall. It was no shock to Elijah as the Fae grew gray translucent wings on her back.

“I'm not stupid, I know you are not the person you say you are. Who are you?” Lilly demands placing the blade against his neck. Elijah raised an eyebrow

“You don't know who I am? just meeting me and you already put a knife to my neck, oh my. that's really dark of you isn't it?" He questioned coolly, almost like it was a normal thing to have a blade against his neck. "Cause you're supposed to be a part of the dark court, right?” Elijah continued.

Lilly let out a growl of anger. "How the hell do you know about the dark courts?" She questioned, "No human should know about them." She said as she pressed the blade harder against his neck. "So I'm gonna ask again, who are you?!" She snapped. Elijah let out a tsking sound.

“You know, you're right. A HUMAN wouldn’t know what a fae is.”  He said calmly. He let out a fake chuckle as his eyes flashed red, before Lilly could even blink Elijah had flipped them around making her drop the blade as her body slammed against the wall with his hand around her neck cutting off her air flow lifting her up in the air.

“I'm no normal HUMAN though. You see I am the devil, you should know that though since you cursed the bullet that was meant to kill me.  isn’t that right?” Eliajah asked sarcastically. He watched as the color slowly drained from her face.
"Now. Since you know who I am, you know what I can do, right?" He said coolly, as if he didn't have a care in the world. As her eyes started to close she struggled to nod.

He smirked before he let go of her neck, eyeing the mark his hand left behind.

“That was the right answer, now I know that you know who made you curse the bullet but my question is why would a dark Fae work with humans? I'm not stupid I know almost all supernatural beings hate humans.” He said. 

"I don't answer to you." The fae hissed in a dangerously low voice.

Lilly pushed her free hand into Elijah's chest and the impact made Elijah slam hard into the wall behind him. His body slammed so hard into the brick wall causing some of the bricks to loosen and fall on top of him. Brandishing the blade with her wings spreaded she flew across the room slamming the blade into the devil’s stomach.

"I would say rot in hell but you live there, so…." Lilly trailed off, the fae's eyes turned pitch black and she started chanting in a language Elijah didn't understand. The blade suddenly impaled Elijah's stomach and the blade began to glow with heat, the affliction of pain caused by the wound being seared by the heat made him scream in pain.

As time went by the dark Fae started to chant faster and faster which started to make Elijah sick and throw up blood. With the ringing in his ears slowly growing louder and louder,his vision became riddled with black dots and he could taste the iron in his mouth and his whole body jerked and twitched as he gasped for air. He believed this would be his end.  

His eyes popped open, he could feel that he was slumped over against a wall and with a quick look around he could tell he was still at Lilly’s house but didn’t see the dark Fae anywhere. He placed his hand on the wall slowly standing up, he could feel his legs shake with weakness as his body grew very tired with just that one movement.

He took a deep breath before snapping his fingers for a portal, he waited a few minutes and no portal appeared. “What the fuck?” He mumbled to himself in a confused manner before trying again and yet again still no portal.

Elijah wasn't sure what to do at this point. He sighed and started to make his way out the house, as soon as he did though, his cell phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and glared at the caller ID seeing it was Michael."What do you want, Michael? I’m busy” Elijah hissed out, quietly.

“Aww you sound out of breath, dear brother.” Michael teased, almost like he knew what had happened.

“Michael, you have never once called me in the many years we have been alive, just to talk. I don't have time for this! What do you want?” The devil snapped as he started walking down the road. “You know what, I don't care what you want. Put dad on the phone, I need his help.” Elijah snapped once more.

“Fine. If you must know, I'm calling to see if you found my pet yet but the better question is why do you need dad’s help? To be a powerful devil like you claim to be, you sure need a lot of help. I can’t wait to take the crown of hell and your little human pet.” Michael said in a cocky tone.

The devil growled "No. I haven't found her yet and you're not gonna get her, Now put dad on the phone." Elijah snapped.

"You know what? Dad is busy being a devil, you know the thing you claim to be? Yeah he's busy doing that. Don't worry though a big bad devil like yourself doesn't truly need help, right?" Michael chuckled. "How about this brother, you come home and admit to yourself you aren’t the devil you claim to be and I'll find the human, myself." Michael said smugly before he hung up the phone.

Rain started to fall from the sky as Elijah squeezed his eyes close letting out a scream of anger. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath, he wasn't sure how he was gonna get back in hell but one thing was for sure and that was Michael wasn't gonna get the crown.

Elijah started walking down the road again, his powers may have not been working right now but if he could just get to the building that's connected to hell then he was sure he could force his powers to work again. as Elijah walked down the street he could feel himself grow weaker and weaker. He stopped and took a deep breath, he couldn’t remember the last time he was this weak. He was startled as he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up and saw a lady looking at him.

“Sir, are you okay? Someone your age shouldn’t be outside alone. You could fall and get hurt.” The lady said kindly.

The devil narrowed his eyes. “Someone my age? I'll have you know I am still young.” He snapped before going into a coughing fit, he could feel his body wobble before he fell to his knees as his body grew weak.

The lady looked at him with kindness in her eyes as she helped him stand up. "Oh, bless your heart. You poor old man, you really shouldn’t be going somewhere alone. Is there anyone I can call for you?" She questioned.

The devil growled. “No, you can’t call someone for me and I am not old!” the devil snapped once again. “Now are you gonna help me get where i need to go or not?” He questioned.

The lady sighed. “I can't help you get wherever you’re going but since you won’t let me call a family member, at least let me call you a taxi.” The lady said, pulling out her cell phone from her pocket. Elijah sighs as he nodded.

The lady and Elijah watched as a taxi pulled up in front of them and Elijah walked up to the yellow taxi, his steps slow as he walked. He opened the back door of the taxi and got in, giving the address to the driver as he did. He could hear the lady whispering to the driver but he didn’t care to listen.
His eyes went wide as he looked into the mirror of the car and saw that he was indeed old. He realized when the Fae placed a seal on his powers that made him grow old and he feared that if he didn’t get to the gateway to hell soon, then that would be the last of him.

“Sir, are you sure this is where you wanna go? No one has lived in this building in years.” The driver asked.

Elijah growled. “Everyone needs to stop asking me if I am sure of this or if I'm sure of that. I know what I am doing.” He said and growled. The driver sighed and started driving without another word.

A while later the taxi slowly came to a stop in front of the building, on the outside it looked like a normal building that was falling apart but Elijah knew the power it truly held. He got out of the taxi and paid the driver. He could see the confusion in the driver’s eyes but thankfully the driver said nothing before he started to drive off.

The devil took a deep breath and slowly started to make his way towards the building, it seemed like it took forever to climb the stairs to the building but as he climbed stairs he could feel his powers trying to break free from the seal the fae placed on them.

Elijah finally got to the top of the stairs panting as he felt his body growing weaker. He opened the door feeling the wind against his face as he did. He could feel his powers make themselves known which means he weakened the seal, he snapped his fingers making a portal appear and he stepped through it.

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