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My vision went dark as I got knocked out by something hitting my head.


I woke up to the immediate pain I felt in my head. It felt like my head was going to spilt open.

"Fuck..." I said as I slowly got up, being careful not to move so fast. I opened my eyes and was met with a blinding light. I began blinking to regain my vision.

"Who..?" I asked myself as I saw a blurry figure on the floor next to me.


That's right. I forgot what happened back there. Shuichi gave Kokichi the alarm remote. I realized my vision was no longer blurry and I looked to the person next to me. It was Kaito.

"Geez, how long has it been?" I asked no one in particular as I got up to look around.

I heard mumbling and looked down at Kaito. I noticed him tossing and turning. He shouted as he woke up. He sat up immediately and began blinking his eyes rapidly. Once it seemed like he regained his vision he began looked around then noticed me.

"___..?" Kaito looked at me as he said that confused.
"What happened..?"

"You really are an idiot like everyone says you are. Well, anyways don't you remember? You ran toward Kokichi, then the Exisal and it grabbed us both because I was trying to stop you. I really shouldn't have done that now that I'm thinking about it..."

"Oh..I remember now. Sorry, for y'know. Making you chase me around."

"It's fine. I chose to do it. I just didn't want another murder to happen..." I trailed off looking around to see we were in a bathroom.

That's right, I completely forgot. Kokichi put Kaito in the Exisal hangar. Well, in the bathroom of it. I can't believe I did that. Why would I even do that? Why would I chase him like that.. My thoughts got cut off by Kaito speaking up.

"So... Wanna try and get out of here?"

"It's not like I have anything else to do. So, sure I guess." I said as I watched him get up and looked around.

"I don't think that window will fit us..Let's try the door?" Kaito suggested while pointing at the door.

"Alright." I said as he began walking towards the door. I followed him.

He put his hand on the doorknob and...

*click click*

"No use...It's locked." Kaito said looking defeated.

"Damn..Well, do you think we will at least get any food?"

"I'm...not sure." Kaito said as he looked away.

"Ah, well. What do we do when it comes to..." I pointed at the toliet."

"Oh! Uh- Um.. Well.. I don't know? Maybe just cover the person not using the bathroom with a jacket and shove them into the corner?" Kaito said unsure.

"Okay.. I guess that'll work."

"Where do you think we are?"

"Huh? Oh right- I didn't tell you. We are in the Exisal hangar at the moment. Kokichi said he would put us there so I'm assuming that's where we are."

"The what? Exisal hangar..? Sheesh, it's like we are in prison or somethin'..."

"Yeah. Nobody can get in at the moment since Kokchi has the hangar's alarm remote. So even if someone came they wouldn't be able to do anything."

"Damn, are you serious? This sucks. But no matter. For I, Kaito Momota, Luminary of The Stars...Will get us out of here!" Kaito shouted with a prideful look on his face.

(READ DESC) Out of all things. (Maki Harukara x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now