Poison Breathing

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Poison breathing derives from flower breathing

This style is hard to master, especially since one needs a body in which is capable to move fluidly. They must also learn a bit of the as well as the Breath of Flowers.

Weapon: Kamas

Color: Silver-red

Color: Silver-red

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Forms: 5

First Form: Ricin - The swordsman moves at in insanely high speed, and moves with intricate footwork that allows them to move similarity to the without needing a single foothold. The user thrusts their kamas around their body multiple times, allowing the target to be hit with the blade. This can also be used to avoid enemy attack.

Second Form: Rampant Arc Rampage- The user creates a dome of sickle-shaped blades of solidified blood around him that defend from incoming attacks.

Second Form: Rampant Arc Rampage- The user creates a dome of sickle-shaped blades of solidified blood around him that defend from incoming attacks

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Third Form: X-onslaught- The swordsman creates four fluid motions, shaped like an x. This movement is made to be less painful than the others, and the kamas are usually coated with poison to make the demon die quicker. This form can also be preformed by other blades, preferably smaller ones.

 This form can also be preformed by other blades, preferably smaller ones

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Fourth Form: Batrachotoxin- The swordsman spins around about 360 degrees, which could catch any demons with their range. After something gets caught within the circle, the user thrusts the kamas twice.

 After something gets caught within the circle, the user thrusts the kamas twice

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Fifth Form: Maitotoxin- The swordsman moves rapidly and a moves in a continuous fluid motion that separates the demon's head, legs, arms as well as heart in a single swipe.

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