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As they walked out, A driver approached YN and asked her to come along with him on a his car as YN got up on the car she saw Sanzu going into a different car.

"U-um.. He Isn't coming with us??", She asked politely to the driver.

" no, miss. Sir especially said to bring you home on a separate car. He might be going somewhere else..", he said and started driving.

"Is it so unpleasant to even ride a same car with me??",  YN Thought and looked down at her hands.

Time passed,

As soon as YN entered her room she found it in a mess. Everything was ruined. Her important documents where on the floor messed up.

Her clothes were torn Apart..

Her bed was in a mess...

And a photo frame of her family with her which she kept there on a side was broken.

She let out  a gasp as she saw these.


" bitches like you deserve THIS."

It was the same maid who complained to Sanzu about her and made up lies.

"Y-you..did this??", YN asked shocked.

" Oh no I Didn't Miss~~", she said in a different tone and started to laugh.

"Why did you did all these?", YN asked.

" Bcz I said bicthes like you deserve this! They Don't deserve happiness.. You're a sult, A whore who's dying for attention of men."
, she said.

Yn felt horrible hearing these.

"W-why would you say such things?? I didn’t do anything wrong to you!", YN said without shouting. She felt bad and irritated.

-that maid walked up to Yn and grabbed a little of Her dress.

" i hate you.", she said with a psychotic smile Before...

Yn gasps and looked at the fire on her dress. She immediately pushed that maid away as she hold the dress and started to make that fire low. After a while of trying to get rid of that little fire she finally managed to get rid of it..

The dress she was wearing now was buried and ruined.

That maid started to laugh as she grabbed a lighter with her.

"You survived, Bitch.", With that she left that room.

Yn kept staring at her until she disappeared. She sat down on the floor staring at the dress which was burned a little but was in a mess.

It was the only thing anyone ever gifted her.

Holding herself back from dropping tears she got up and started to arrange her room.

She wanted to shout and cry..

She wanted that maid girl to be sorry for her mistake...

But she didn’t knew what to do...

She didn’t knew how to scold her or do something to  her...

She never wanted to hurt someone even if that's someone's feelings..

She wanted to live in peace and maybe.. Just get a little love and care??

-After a while, she had her room arranged. She immediately locked her room and threw herself on the bed to sleep. She was afraid that the same.girl might come and try to hurt her again.

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