chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A few hours before the ball, Evangeline lay peacefully asleep, undisturbed by the impending grand event. However, her slumber was abruptly shattered by the piercing sound of someone's screams. Startled, she opened her eyes to find Misaki, her mother, leaning over her.

"Evangeline, wake up," Misaki urged, gently patting her face in an attempt to rouse her.

"Let me sleep for another five minutes," Evangeline mumbled, still half-asleep.

"No, we can't afford to be late for the ball. Get up now," Misaki insisted, her voice tinged with urgency.

Evangeline, however, chose to ignore her mother's pleas and snuggled back into her cozy cocoon, determined to savor a few more minutes of sleep.

Frustrated by her daughter's lack of cooperation, Misaki's patience wore thin. "Come on, Evangeline. Wake up or I'll have to be mean to you," she threatened, attempting to invoke a sense of fear.

Evangeline, fully aware that her mother's threat was empty, remained unmoved and continued her blissful slumber for another 20 minutes.

"Wake up! It's been 20 minutes already. You know I'm going to get angry," Misaki warned, her tone growing more stern.

Realizing that she had pushed the boundaries of indulgence, Evangeline finally relented. "Okay, but you have to help me take my bath," she negotiated, seeking a compromise.

Misaki appeared skeptical but relented. "How can I help you take your bath? You're old enough to do it yourself," she argued.

"No, I'm not tall enough to reach the showerhead, so you'll have to assist me," Evangeline pleaded, emphasizing her physical limitations.

With a sigh, Misaki reluctantly agreed. "Sure, no problem. I can do it," she replied, lacking confidence in her abilities.

Evangeline raised an eyebrow. "Have you ever given a child a bath before?" she inquired, somewhat amused by the prospect.

Misaki, feigning confidence, responded with a touch of pride. "Who do you think I am? There's no problem. It's just giving you a bath. I can handle it, even if I've never done it before."

Heading towards the shower, Evangeline prepared herself for the ordeal that awaited her. After enduring what she deemed the worst shower experience of her life, she emerged, dripping wet.

"So, how did you find your shower?" Misaki inquired, attempting to gauge her daughter's satisfaction.

"It was horrible! I didn't even know it was possible to drown in a bathroom. And when you rubbed my back, I felt like you were going to rip my skin off," Evangeline complained, shivering at the memory.

Misaki, wearing a remorseful smile, tried to pacify her. "Don't be silly. You're still alive, aren't you?" she retorted, attempting to downplay the severity of the situation.

Undeterred, Evangeline threatened, "I'll tell Mum you tried to kill me in the bath."

Panicking at the thought of facing the consequences from Azumi, Misaki quickly intervened. "No, don't tell your mother. She might kill me. But right now, you need to get ready for the ball," she urged, shifting the focus away from her earlier blunder.

Refusing to be diverted, Evangeline stuck her tongue out defiantly. "Don't change the subject. I'll tell Mum, and you'll get your punishment," she warned, relishing her newfound leverage.

Misaki, desperate to find a solution, seized upon an idea. "Evangeline, how about this? After the ball, I'll teach you how to use magic," she proposed, hoping to entice her daughter with the allure of supernatural knowledge.

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