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"Come on Reign we don't have all day" my mother screamed at me as I stumbled trying to keep up with her

"Mommy where are we going?" My seven year old self asked

"Just keep up" she sneered at me

We finally reach a door it was the singing and dancing room. I was confused on what we were doing here and why she dragged me up here

She open the door and I was shocked at what I seen

It was Rose on the ground with bruised and cuts over her body she was surrounded in her own blood

"ROSE" I screamed as I ran to her and started crying shaking her to see if she'll wake up

"Mommy we have to help rose" I cried finally looking at my mother who eyes were so red and just stood there in the door what her hand behind her back with a smirk on her face

She walked over to me and pulled her hand from behind her back it was a dagger?

"You have to hold this so I can get help" she said "This is very important and you must not drop it" she continued

I didn't question it and just took it quickly so she can hurry and help rose

She quickly went to rose and started to scream "HELP" "HELP" "O my god rose it going to be okay" She continued to screamed

Soon all my brothers and dad came in with guns in there hands they saw with happened and quickly ask what happened

"Look at what reign did to rose" she cried "How could you do that to your own sister?" she asked me

I was confused and still crying I didn't understand what she was talking about and why everyone was staring at me like I was a monster

"SHES A MURDER!" My mother screamed

"We have to send her away"

My brothers were shocked and my dad hurried and pick up rose and took her to the hospital in the house

. . .

I soon found myself in the back of a vehicle with a strange men driving me away from my house I knew my whole life while my brothers just stood there watching and my mother behind them with a smirk on her face

I just lowed my head while I sobbed not knowing what happened to rose and why I was sent away from my family

No one asked how a child got a dagger from or even how there was a car already outside waiting for me like it was planed

They just believe that i would try the kill the one person I loved in the entire world

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