8| Old friend

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"Come on come on!" A tiny 6 year old Reign said

"Ok ok slow down I'm coming" A tiny boy said to her as Reign pulled him towards the house

"Hey Guys" Reign said as they ran over to her

"Rose are you excited!"Reign said excitedly "we get to go to the pet shop to look at the animals"

"I think she knows" The boy laughed at her "oh" Reign frowned but then quickly smile again

"Well we have to get ready so come on" She said as she also grabbed Rose hand and went inside the house

She went upstairs towards their rooms and closed the door

"Reign I have to go to my own house to get changed" The boy told Reign

"Don't be silly I always have extra clothes over here for when you come over" she told him as she took a bag out the closet "see" she said as she threw the bag at him

"ROSE" Someone screamed her name they sounded mad

"Oops I think I'm in trouble" she said as she ran out the room

"Just hurry back so you can change!" She yelled after her

"Well now it's just us two so hurry in get changed" she told him

"Wait what are you doing"he said as she started taking her shirt off

"What do you mean?" She turns towards her and stop what she was doing
"You can't change in front of me" He blushed
"Why not? We change in front of each other all the time" she was confused

"That was before" Before him and his dad had the 'Talk'

"Before what? Don't be silly Alis you're my best friend" She smile at him

. . . . .

"Am we told you you're not allowed to go by yourself with Reign" Kai was now yelling at Amadeus for running off with Reign

"But why we just went into GameStop it's not a big deal" He told him

Reign was standing behind them uncomfortable watching the interaction
Did they think she was going to hurt him

She was also uncomfortable because she realized how many people were actually in the mall and she forgot to take her pain medication so her body was on fire

She wasn't paying attention to their conversation anymore and was watching everyone around watching them carefully when her eyes meet rose

Rose quickly look away Reign however took the time to analyze her she realized how tan her skin was compared to her own pale one also Rose was taller then her by like 6 inches she noticed all her brothers were taller then her except Amadeus but he was only 3

"Ok ok I got it now can we go into the stores now" Amadeus pouted

"Yes but stay by Rose, Kai, my side you got it" Enzo jumped in the conversation

"Yea yea" he told him but once Enzo turned his back on him he mimicked him with his hands

I smiled at him but then suddenly frowned when I realized that they might be right that I probably shouldn't be around Amadeus

'Why because you have a reputation of hurting kids especially your family members' the voice snickered

'I-it was an a-accident' I told myself

'How do you accidentally take a knife then stab someone over and over'

'SHUT UP I didn't mean too'

'If that's what helps you sleep at night oh wait it doesn't' The voice laughed

"Reign" I felt someone touch me I jumped
I hate physical touch

"I didn't mean to scare you but you space out then started breathing heavy" Enzo said his eyes holding concern for me?

"Yeah sister you just space out it was weird" Amadeus said

I noticed they all were looking at me while Kai just rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth

"I'm fine" I told them " I was just thinking about something"

"See drama queen is fine so let's go your wasting our time" Kai said as he put his arm around rose who look out of it

I noticed that Enzo's eyes went back to being cold like before

"Can we get food first I'm hungry and I didn't eat breakfast cause someone was rushing me and still end up leaving me" Amadeus glared at Kai as he just laughed

"Its not my fault your slow" he said as he flipped his forehead "but sure let's go"

As we were walking towards the food court I tried to stay behind but close to Enzo
Why are there so many people here?

And I don't wanna be alarming anyone but I'm pretty sure there's people watching us besides the normal people

There strange dudes who look like normal people but they have ear pieces in and they're following us
But I'm watching them out the corner of my eye just in case

"Reign what do you want" Enzo asks as he looked towards Reign

"Reign!" He decides not to touch her but just bend down in front of her to not scare her again

"Yes" she said as she noticed Enzo standing in front of her

"Reign are you sure you're okay you keep spacing out" he ask her

"I'm not tryna alarm anyone but I think people are following us" she told him

"Reign did Fransisco not tell you about the bodyguards we have" he ask her

"Uhm no" maybe he did but she probably just forgot or wasn't listening it happens a lot

"Don't mind them they're just here to keep us safe" he told her "come on they already ordered food for us

Why would we need bodyguards?
She followed him towards a table in the back of the food court

"Hey Reign I got you chicken nuggets like me see" Amadeus showed her a bag that said Chick-fil-a a place She never had before

"Thank you" she said as she took a seat next to him

"Caspian said they're at the mall can they come with us" Rose finally said looking away from her phone
"Sure" Enzo said

Caspian? I thought we had a no boy

"Hey guys" Rose got up to greet them

I look towards the people she was going too there was 3 girls and 2 boys

One of the boys look really familiar "Alastair"

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