1| Going Home

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"REIGN!" A tiny voice shouted

"Rose?" Another voice questioned rose quickly ran up to her and hug her

"Haha I won" said Reign "you know your supposed to ran away from the seeker right" she laughed

"I know I just missed you" Rose said "you know I can't be away from you for to long" she continued

"I know that's why we're best friends" Reign said "Best friends for ever and ever and ever and ev-" Rose was cut off by Reign

" ok I get it best friends for ever" Reign said smiling realizing they were still hugging she didn't mind through and just close her eyes while continuing hugging her sister

Reign was suddenly confused cause her arms were all of a sudden light she open her eyes only to not see rose
She started to panic

"ROSE!" She screamed "ROSE WHERE ARE YOU" She continued to scream

"Reign You monster" A voice said she looked to see where the voice was coming from and saw something that terrified her

Her brothers and parents were standing around a dead looking rose

"Reign what did you do" They said as they started getting closer and closer. She started to step back crying

"I didn't mean to"she said "it was a accident" she continued as they were getting closer and closer.

They ignored what she was saying and was still getting closer "Please" She begged crying "YOU MONSTER!" They screamed

She kept backing up until she suddenly started to fall. She realized she had fell off a cliff

"NO" "I'M SORRY" "PLEASE" She continuously screamed as she keep falling probably to her death looking up to her brothers and parents on top of the cliff just looking at her fall

"Reign" someone said "Rose?" She thought as she was slowly losing air "Reign" "Reign" "REIGN" the voice continued

. . . .

I woke up gasping for air  as my body was shaking uncontrollably no thought from the dream I just had.

But she knew deep inside it wasn't a dream but a memory. "It's not real""it's only a dream" "your okay" is the things she kept whispering to herself  "but your not okay" a voice in her head said but like always she ignored it

When I was finally calm enough I realized where I was. I was in the basement a former punishment I had to do, Stay in the basement for 2 days without food or water until I was out, today was the last day.

It wasn't really my fault through I was just taking the blame for it considering the person who actually did it was a child a little girl the age 8 to be exact.

She was sent here because her dad found her playing with her Barbies only that wasn't the issue it was because she made the girl ones kiss
And plus it was on accident. She really didn't deserve to be here so I gladly took the punishment for her and said I did it. It wasn't nothing I haven't already been through.

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