Caught Off Guard

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Natalia pov:

It's been 2 weeks since I broke up with Jake and it's been hell! Everyday I cry myself to sleep knowing that I lost 2 more people in my life! Yes I might sound like a baby but it's true.

I showed the songs to my brother and they were all very hurt by the fact I didn't tell them anything.

The fact I didn't tell them about the body shaming, the arguments we had and how he brought up other girls he could of had instead, the last minute changes on date days and a lot of other stuff. He wouldn't dress up for Halloween, He didn't want to do face mask with me, He hated going to my soccer games unless Katherine was there..... but yea.

I have been very "mouthy" what my brothers call it and I have been given a few warning but it's not my fault I just so annoyed and mad that I tend to take it out on my brothers without even realizing. So yea that's why I'm in my room. Marcus sent me up here after I told Cole to leave me the hell alone.

He told me that just because Hell isn't a bad word that doesn't mean I can say it and that's technically the 5th warning I got today but to's the Second. That's also why I'm up here because Caleb was the one who gave me the other 3 and once they found out they sent me to my room. So know I'm waiting on Lucas. Then I heard a knock

"Come in" I say through my bedroom door

Then Lucas walks in and closes the door and sits beside me "Nat..... He says in a you know better tone and continues What's going on hmmm why are you being so mouthy and disrespectful to your brothers hmm?"

"Nothing...There just annoying me" I say as I roll my eyes receiving a hard slap on my leg from Lucas

"I saw that Natalia" Lucas says in a stern tone

"Ow!" I say as I am about to rub my leg but Lucas plucks my hand away.

"Don't touch...He says sternly and then continues... Natalia look I know your going through a lot especially after Jake..but that doesn't give you a pass be disrespectful or disobedient...Your-."

I cut him off " How was I being disrespectful.. I didn't even Do anything!" I yell

"Natalia Rosebel Marino... Watch it!... First off you don't cut me off and second watch your tone! Last and final warning...Understand?!" He says sternly.

"Sorry" I say looking down at my feet as we sit on the edge of my bed

Lucas sighs and then says " Thank you he pauses... Natalia I know a lot's happened to you and still is happening but we can see that your hurting but instead of saying something your replacing it with angry... he paused to look at me... why Natalia?" Lucas asked sounding very concerned.

Out of no where idk what happened to me but I just broke down crying. I can tell that it caught Lucas off guard.

"I-I j-just-." I said trying to speak but kept crying

"Shhh shh it's alright jellybean just let it out shhhhh" Lucas says kissing my temple as he moves me to cry on his chest.

See even though my brothers are strict sometimes they are not always. When I or even when any of my brothers need to cry which some times Theo does which I usually smirk at because he usually try's to act tough like me. Even in a stern or well rounded house hold we are always aloud to cry.

"D-don't know what t-to do"I say crying a little but now just hiccuping

"What do you mean jellybean?"Lucas asked as he kissed my temple again and stroked my hair sounding concerned like he always did when I had some time of mixed emotion.

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