Nico girlfriend + Plot Twist

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Natalia pov:

With that my face went from shocked to confused. I had so many questions.

"Wait what?...I have so many questions" I say confused as I admit

"Feel free to ask them that's what we all did" Adam say chuckling a little

"Okay well since when?" I ask Nico looking at him as I take a sip of water

"For 5 months"He said making me almost choke on my water as Leo pats my back

"5 months! How come you didn't tell me?" I ask. I don't know if I should me mad or confused or sad.

"Well you were going through all lot and I didn't want to make things worse."Nico admits

"I mean I guess that makes sense but like what's her name and what does she do and how you meet her ?"I ask confused making my brothers chuckle

"Her name is Amelia,She is a model and She is a news reporter and I met her at campus."

"Umm and when will I meet her?" I ask confused

"Today." Ryan says adding on

"Today?...Oh umm okay." I say giving a look that screamed I had something else to say but changed my mind

"What's with the look?"Caleb asked

"What look?" I asked tilting my head

"You look very confused but you have questions but don't want to ask them..why?"Lucas asked

"Because I think the question but I rather keep them for when I meet her".I say being honest as possible

Knowing good and well some of the questions I have to keep to myself because if I asked they will get me grounded or maybe even punished

"Mhmm okay." Noah said "don't be disrespectful when you meet her you hear me?" Noah said reading my facial expression as if he knew what I was going to say... which was indeed suppose to target her a little but still...

"Yes sir" I say bitting my lip thinking about Amelia

"Well Nat what do you want to do for your birthday?"Adam asked changing the subject

"Huh?...Oh right umm I actually don't know." I say processing what he just asked

"Nattie how come you always forget your birthday?"Marcus asked making everyone draw there attention to me.

"Umm well I don't know I always think it's the days before."I say giving a small smile

"Welll your turning 15 really think about it...what do you want to do?" Ryan asked again

As I sit there thinking I here the doorbell.. welp I guess she's her to pick me up.

"I think that's Amelia...go get shoes on Nat."Nico said as we stand up in unison. He went to get the door and I went to get shoes.

When I come back downstairs I see Amelia:

When I come back downstairs I see Amelia:

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