Uncomfortable? Pt.1

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Natalia pov:

There is a new guy at our school. His name is Edward and he had been here for almost a month and he is really weird. 

Like he is always saying weird things to me. Like "Your hot, What's under that" and a lot of other stuff. 

Only Cole knows, I can't tell the rest of my brothers or they will flip especially because this has been happening for almost over a month.

Right now I'm in 5th period, Science and just my luck he is my partner 

"Natalia and Edward you guys can work together." Mr. Blake says in his loud teachers voice

"Yes." I hear Edward say next to me, as if he is excited 


"Hey Hottie." Edward says making me uncomfortable.

"Don't call me that, let's just get this work done"I say irritated 

"Ooh I see your playing hard to get." He says as he try's to stroke my hair

"Dont..Touch me." I say emphasizing the word Dont.

"Okay okay chill buttercup, and I know you like it." He says as if he is trying to persuade me.

"First don't call me that and second I do not, can we just get our work done." I say now uncomfortable and highly annoyed

There was a few minutes of silence before he decided to speak again.

"You look like a snack." He says smirking

"Excuse me?" I ask

"You heard me, actually you look like an Oreo." He says licking his lip

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask pissed

"It means your a little hard on the outside, your ass is round but in the inside your sweet and I want to lick you clean." He says and with that I smack him so hard across his face the class went quiet.

"Ms.Marino! A word!". Mr.Blake yells

"Oh fuck off." I say as I past by him and run out into the hallway 

"Ms.Marino we're do you think your going?" Mr.Blake's yells as I'm down the hallway 

With that I roll my eyes and run into the girl's bathroom.

Omg what did I just do!

"Natalia Marino please report back to room 243, Natalia Marino please report back to room 243." The loudspeaker says . Absolutely not.

Then a few minutes later the bell rings. It's time to go home. 

Man I hope they didn't call Noah. Not that I will get in to much trouble but I did just slap him and curse at the teacher. Maybe they will give me a pass? 

As I head to the gym were we go to get picked up or walk home. We are walking home today. Cole comes next to me. "What was that about?" He asked confused 

"I kinda slapped Edward across the face and curse at Mr.Blake and walked out the class." I say to Cole.

Thank god Leo and Theo are home today. Super seniors or seniors didn't have school today. Lucky. 

"You did what? Well I guess that bitch did deserve it but how are you going to tell Noah?"Cold days sighing a little

"I have no idea."I say as we walk home together.

"Let's just pray they will somewhat understand." Cole says running his hand through his hair.

"Yea I hope so." I say as I sigh

A few minutes later we make it home. Cole puts the key into the door and we go inside. 

All my brothers  are in the den. Hoping they don't see me. I take off my shoes and try to walk upstairs.

I hear from behind me . "You 2 go put your stuff down and come back downstairs, we need to have a talk." Noah says in a serious tone 

With that I gulp. I wonder what Cole did. As I put my stuff down, Cole and I walk downstairs.

"Take a seat." Lucas says sternly 

Leo gives me a emphatic look. While Theo looks utterly confused.

As we do Noah starts....

"Natalia, Since when do we smack people, walk out of class and curse at teachers?"Noah asked sternly 

"Never." I say quietly but loud enough to hear

"Exactly so then why did you do it?" Noah says raising an eyebrow 

God I can't tell them why. 

"I-I wasn't thinking." I say bitting my bottom lip

"That's not an excuse Natalia." Lucas says sternly 

"I-I know it's j-just I can't tell you...." I say trailing off

"You can't tell us?" Ryan asked not liking my answer

"Yes I can't tell you guys..." I say once again trailing off

"And why is that?" Matthew asked more concerned than upset

"I-I just can't." I say looking a little annoyed

"What about you Cole, since you threaten him." Noah's says not happy.

Since when did Cole threaten him?

"I only threatened him so he can leave Natalia alone." Cole says throwing his hands up in the air as defense

"What do you mean leave Natalia alone?"Adam asked confused 

"He is always bothering her and doing something to her ." Cole says running his hand through his hair.

"Cole." I say shocked...he isn't supposed to say again. 

With that everyone looks at me with concern 

"What do you mean bothering her like how?" Lucas asked confused making everyone look at me.

"I mean well he is says stuff that makes her uncomfortable and no matter how many time she tells him to stop he doesn't..so that's why I threatened him." Cole says looking at me with a "sorry I had too." look

"Natalia what is he talking about?"Noah asked concerned 

"Do we really have to talk about this now?" I ask 

"Yes we do." Ryan says not listening to my pleading 

"I umm...I...he-....okay okay fine.... he makes and says weird things to me." I say bitting my lip dreading this conversation 

"Like what exactly?" Matthew asked

"Well um like sexual comments...." I say as I trail off looking very uncomfortable 

With that my brothers start speaking in Spanish to each other. After a like 30 seconds Noah starts again.

"Nat, Lucas and I are going to talk to you first alone.. it sounds like it's a bigger picture." Noah says as he and Lucas stand up.

What's going to happen now? 

Author note: thanks for reading my book. I love ya 💕🫶🏾. Sorry I didn't posted yesterday kinda busy. I might do every other day. If I can do every day I will try, hope you understand 🫶🏾😩💋💕

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