Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"You think that shit was cute," Fahayra said as Joe
walked into her bedroom.

"What are you talking about?" Joe asked her as he walked over to her on the bed.

"The other night at the party. You were trying to get a rise out of me. You spent the whole party, following me and making slick ass remarks, Joe," She explained to him.

"You shouldn't have ignored my calls and I wouldn't have acted up like that, Fahayra," He said.

He gets into the bed and wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her body close to his body.

"You must want your wife to find out so badly," She said.

"I just want you to see how much I want you and I don't like you ignoring me, baby," He said as he placed a kiss on her temple.

Fahayra sighed and closed her eyes, placing a hand on his arm.

"Joe, I can't be at your beck and call at all times," She said.

"Yes, you can. You have the freedom to be at my Beck and call, Fahayra. I take care of you and our kids, so you don't have to work," He said.

Fahayra rolled her eyes.

"So, don't act like I do not contribute to this household because your money ain't that long to take care of my and our eight kids' lifestyles," She said.

Joe kissed his teeth.

"Stop acting like I don't spend money on you," He said.

"I never said you didn't but you need to humble yourself, Joe," She said.

This is the problem that Fahayra has with Joe. Since they met back in high school, Joe has felt that he does all these things for Fahayra and she should be most like a loyal dog to him.

He was constantly undermining her accomplishments and making it seem as if she wouldn't be anything without him.

She loves him, of course, but sometimes she believes that Joe is obsessed with her and not in love with her. It was like she was his property. Not his life partner.

"I'm sorry, baby, I don't mean to sound like an asshole, I just don't like when you make it seem like I can't take care of you and our kids," He said.

"I never thought or said that," She said, bewildered by his words.

"I know you think it, you don't have to lie to me," He said.

"No, I don't think that Joe, you do what you can due to your circumstances; it's not easy taking care of two households and thirteen kids plus two high-maintenance women. I would never put you down for that," She told him.

Joe buries his face in her neck.

"What's wrong?" She asked him.

Joe inhales her scent and groans as he presses his lower body into her own.

"Joe," She said.

Joe moves.

"You already know what's wrong," He told her.

Fahayra rolled her eyes.

Joe and Galina were fighting again. Of course, she should have figured that out from his behavior.

"What now?" She asked.

"She wants me home more. She feels like I don't help with the kids enough especially the boys," He answered.

Fahayra shakes her head.

"I can't say anything about that because I don't know how you are in your household with her but I know you are a good father to our kids here, so whatever frustrations you have with her don't take it out on me, and my kids, or else you can go," She said.

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