05| They met, Again.

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I am still processing, i am baffled, God! Why mee??He was the last person I've expected to encounter with or i may add he was not even in the list.


I am here to get interviewed by the CEO of A.K.....Its him. The CEO of A.K. Youngest self-made billionaire. The guy i was curious about ever since i started my college. The guy i've always praised for his work and dedication. The guy who was the reason i am here in London. The guy because of whom i was dying to get into A.K. The guy who stole my heart and never returned.


I cannot breathe properly....I am out of oxygen now. Everybody knew. Bhai, Kabir, Aaru. But those brats didn't uttered a single word, yeah I am not including bhai in that brat list, but even he didn't said anything. He could've tell me. He should've..

Now i am clueless about how to get away from here. Is there any going back? Can i return back into my shell? Can i just disappear from here?

'Too late to back out now' mocked my inner voice.

Aanya will fight this. Aanya can fight him.....

No fucking way i can fight him. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

I was out of my LaLa Land when a voice interrupted
"Miss Singhania?" his cold voice is enough for somebody to run for his life. His voice is cold, it doesn't contains the warmth i once felt, which was exclusively for me.

He is not my Kiyuu. He can never be. Not again.

"Yes" i managed to utter. "So you are one of those who cleared the interview?" He asked and i replied in an instant composing myself, "Yes Sir" his face is emotionless, okay he was shocked at first but i cannot guess why it was.

Was it because i am here? Was it because his bestfriend didn't bothered to inform him that his sister is going to give her interview in his company?

"Why A.K?" He asked without even looking at me as his attention was entirely on my C.V. "It was my dream since last 4 freaking years" i murmered under my breath and judging by his expression i can say he heard that. Agghh....control your words Aanya.

"Dream?" he asked with a raised brow as i find a bit of amusement in his voice. " Uhmm..." i cleared my throat and answered him. "Yes Sir it is, i've read about you in the business magazine and also about your company and how much dedication you hold for your work, this was enough to grab my attention and it was my goal to work for A.K"

He just hummed, i hate him for real...i am getting annoyed now like seriously? he is seeing my after 7
Years and that all he has to say? I am hurt.

"Were you aware that A.K is connected with RAJVANSH EMPIRE?" He asked and now i can connect the dots. He thinks i am here for him. Huh...i am pissed. How can he think so highly of himself?

"No sir, I was not aware if this Statement." I replied and he nodded. He asked me some more questions and i replied with the same professionalizm. It was about 45 mins long. But i managed to answer each and every question asked by him.

"Okay Miss Singhania , last question for you. What will you do if a client is asking for his designs and i denied him at the last moment and the deal is worth a million?" He asked me..

"I will simply deny them without having anyother discussion." I replied and his face is still emotionless but i can sense that he is satisfied by my answer.

"Okay Miss Singhania, you are hired for being my PA" he said with a straight face i released a breath of relief. WAIT......What the duck!!? Did his just said PA? "Wh...what," i asked shuttering?b "You are hired to be my PA Miss Singhania" he said the same line. Again. Do i have to bear him 24/7 ? The old me would be happy to hear this but i am feeling anything but happy.

"Why me?" I barely whispered. But he heard that.
"Because you didn't questioned my discussion unlike the both i interviewed earlier" he said in his cold voice. It was more like a warning telling me ' never try to defy my words' or 'dont ever dare to question me back'.

"You will sign you contract after leaving my cabin, complete the procedure and you can join from tomorrow"

"WHATTTT?" i was shocked and i literally just screamed at him. He raised his brow as if asking me if i have some problem but i instantly replied "No sorry Sir I mean, i need some time to know about your schedules, working partners , deals etc"

Yeah i just did my research on his company not on him. I know nothing beside the fact that the CEO of A.K is a self-made youngest billionaire. Hell i didn't even knew it was him. I am proud of him for coming this far on his own. For not relying on his family business. He has worked hard.

"24 hours", he replied "you have 24 hours to get to know about my work schedule and this is enough for you i guess" i am taking my words back....he is still a jerk no matter how far he came.

Ugghhh.....how will i cope with him. I am crying internally. I just nodded and thanked him and went out of his cabin to sign the contract.

It's a new journey for me.

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