Chapter 3

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"Thank you so much, Brenda" I said, my voice thick with emotion. We both know that she didn't have to help us, she didn't even have to talk to us; but she did. It's crazy that just over 72 hours ago, I didn't even know this woman existed. Now, Zeke and I are in her car as she drives.

Brenda waved me off. "I told you that it was my pleasure. My grandsons are very excited to meet you" she said while suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.

I smiled at the woman, but I was also extremely nervous. This morning, she told Zeke and I that her whole family and a few friends live with her. All together, there's supposed to be about 50 people. They aren't all in the same house, but they all have houses on the land. She has two sons, two daughter-in-laws, and five grandsons. A friends that live on her land are close to one of her sons; they also have one son. There isn't any kids around Zeke's age, but Brenda assures me that her grandsons will love the both of us.

I looked around as Brenda turned on a dirt road. This place looks deserted. "So where do you live?" I questioned curiously.

"My sons love the woods, so we live just outside a forest" she informed me. "I hope that's not a problem" she said worriedly.

I quickly shook my head. "Not a problem at all. I really like the woods too" I said with a smile. If she lives near a forest, then I will have a place to shift and run. That makes living with Brenda even more amazing.

From then on, the car ride was silent. Zeke was sound asleep in the back seat, as I gazed out the window, watching the trees slowly pass by. So far, I didn't smell any rogues or wolves at all. The forest is fairly large, I can tell that it goes on for a few miles. We passed by a few houses, probably for Brenda's family. There was a large building in the distance, but even with my werewolf sight, I couldn't see it.

"Here we are" Brenda said as we pulled up to a house. It was a wide, one-story house. I could tell just from looking at it, that the house had at least three bedrooms. The exterior was painted a light grey color, and the whole building looked like Brenda's family built it themselves; yet the house looked homey.

I got out the car and walked to the back seat to wake up Zeke. He just stirred and subconsciously wrapped his small arms around my neck. I carefully picked him up as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Zeke" I cooed. "Come on, Bubba. Wake up" I said while shaking him.

Zeke groaned and slowly lifted his head off my shoulder. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around. "Is this Brenda's house?" he asked. I nodded. "I like it" he informed me before letting out a big yawn and falling asleep again.

Brenda came up behind me with my backpack in one hand. "Let's head inside. We still need to sort out a few things" she said. I nodded in agreement.

We walked through the front door and I looked around the house. The first room was just a small living room with a television, pictures, a couch, and a fireplace. Further into the house, was the dining room with a sliding glass door that led out to the forest. Looking through the glass, I saw a wooden canopy with a large hammock underneath. I continued to explore the house.

I went through a sliding door in between the living room and dining room. It was a fairly large kitchen with cupboards all around the walls, a large sink, a tall fridge, and an electric stove. There was a similar sliding door across the first one. It led to the other half of the house. This room was completely empty, not a single piece of furniture. There was a door that also led to the forest, a bathroom, a cabinet filled with snacks, and the garage.

Going through the doors, I adjusted Zeke so he wouldn't fall. We walked through a hallway across from the kitchen. The first door to my right was another bathroom. The door on the end was the master bedroom. Two other were next to the master bedroom; they were both smaller bedrooms. I found another cabinet, but this one was filled with towels.

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