Chapter 19.2

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I went into our room, and I wasn't surprised that Piper was staring into space. She refused to eat. She hasn't slept. And I know for a fact that its because of the attack. I'm trying to give her as little information as possible. She doesn't need to worry about this. Its just a bunch of rogues trying to shake up the pack.

The rogues that I interrogated told us that there were more people just like them, and that they were gonna come after Piper. I refrained from snapping their neck right then and there. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared by it.

They did a number on Liam. Broke several bones, fractured some, there were deep claw marks, countless bruises. He's healing, and he's awake. He just can't move much.

I asked Brenda to go check up on Piper. After a couple of moments, she came back out and shook her head at me. Then I sent in Zeke and Sam. The idiot yelled at her, and had to be dragged out by a twelve year old. He ended up storming out the house and going for a run.

We're all on edge after the attack. And its not helping that Piper practically shut down. Somehow, Zeke got her to sleep. He came out and I saw Piper laying on the bed with her breathing steady and even.

I sighed in relief. "Thank you. She hasn't done anything since the attack. I'm worried about her" I whispered. We both looked at her through the small crack between the door and the wall. She's been in that bed all day. Not eating. Not sleeping. Just staring at nothing.

"So am I" Zeke whispered back at me. "Go to sleep. You need it" he patted my shoulder before walking off. I never thought a twelve year old would tell me that I need to sleep. He's so grown up for his age. I sometimes forget that he's that young.

Walking into the room, I softly closed the door behind me. I got into the bed fully clothed and pulled Piper to my chest. "Night, Poptart" I whispered.


I jolted awake at the feeling of someone leaving. A pack member just left the territory. Not seeing Piper next to me. I quickly put two and two together. Letting out a howl, I sprung out of the bed and rushed down the stairs.

"Caleb! What's going on?!" Mason shouted as he came out of his room.

I ran out the house and everyone followed me. "Piper's gone!" I announced. I sniffed around, but I couldn't even smell her scent. They took her! "Meeting now! Everyone in the kitchen!" I demanded. I stormed into the house, and everyone rushed to the kitchen.

First thing's first. I gotta get the information about the rogues. I went to my office, but froze at the opened door. Maybe Piper was in here. I quickly went in and frowned at the empty room.

I got my hopes up for nothing. Sighing, I went to my desk and opened the side drawer. I grabbed a bunch of files and threw them on top of the desk. At the bottom of the drawer was one binder full of everything we managed to get about the rogues. I pulled it out before putting all the files back in the drawer.

"What the hell?" I asked once I got to the bottom of the stack. There was a stack of yellow note papers with a bunch of names on them. It was Piper's handwriting. I dropped the binder and snatched up the notes. This better just be fucking doodles, not goodbye letters.

I got to the kitchen and saw the whole pack crowded in the room. I threw the papers on the table and everyone just stared at them. "Take what has your name on it" I demanded. The people by the table grabbed a few papers and started passing them to the rightful owner.

Amanda handed me one as she held hers in her hand. The papers disappeared off the table and were now in the hands of everyone who knew Piper. Even Kaley had one. "Read them" I urged. Hesitantly, they all opened the notes.

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