Chapter 4

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Everyone was silent after I repeated the rules that my father gave me. "Hey!" a female voice shouted from afar. Moments later, Zeke ran up to me. I instantly blocked him from Mason's view.

Zeke tugged on my hand. "Piper? What's wrong?" he asked quietly.

I pushed away my tears and sighed. Kneeling down to Zeke's height, I spoke softly. "I broke the rules again. Go, Zeke. You can't be here" He should've stayed away.

His bottom lip quivered as he looked up at me with tear-filled eyes. "B-but when I leave, you g-get hurt" he whispered.

"You two will not get hurt here" Brenda told us. "Zeke, please go back to Julia. We just need to talk to Piper. I promise she will not get hurt"

Zeke reluctantly nodded and made his way out the room. "Thank you" I whispered. "He doesn't need to see any of this"

"Piper" Mandy said softly. "You're safe here. No one will hurt you"

I quickly shook my head. It's a test. They're testing me. "I broke th-"

"You didn't do anything wrong" Mason said as he cautiously approached me. "You won't get punished" he assured me.

My heart was beating wildly in my chest as Toby approached me. The man towered over me. He lifted my chin up, making me look at him. His eyes rolled in the back of his head, before I felt mine flutter shut.

One of my worst beatings replayed in my mind.


"I don't want to mate with him!" I shouted, I regretted it the moment the words left my mouth. My father stalked towards me and grabbed a handful of my hair. He flung me across the room, making me hit the shelf. It broke on contact. The pictures frames on the shelf broke and pierced my skin.

He roughly grabbed my wrist, no doubt making a bruise. I was pulled off the broken glass and wood, and he shoved me against the wall. "He is the Alpha's son. It is an honor to be mated with him!" Father roared.

Tears streamed down my face. "But he's not my mate" I whispered.

Father slapped me with the back of his hand, the power from his hit sent me flying a few feet away on the floor. "Does it look like I give a shit?! You have no say in this! The Alpha wants you and his son to mate, so that is what will happen! Do you understand?!" he shouted.

I silently nodded my head. Father pulled my back up by my hair. "I asked you a question!" he growled. 

 "Yes, Beta" I said. He released his grip on my hair and looked at me expectantly. "I didn't mean it. Please forgive me for my harsh words. I accept whatever punishment you seek necessary" I said quickly. Just like normal, I closed my eyes as he roughly dragged me through the house.

I was pulled into his 'toy room.' It was behind a hidden door, under the staircase. The small room was filled with weapons. Whips and belts hung on the walls, along with various sharp knives and silver products. In the center of the room was a metal table with chains on each corner to restrain me. I shrieked as he shoved me onto the table.

He chained me up and mockingly walked around the room. "Which one shall I use today?" he wondered. I prayed that he didn't use his new 'toy.' A few days ago, he came home with a metal bar. The bar was made with silver and was laced with wolfsbane. That night, he permanently carved the letter 'B' into my skin. B for Beta.

I jumped as he brought the whip down to the floor, the crack echoing through the small room. He darkly chuckled at my reaction before repeatedly lashing me with the leather weapon.

Saving the Beta's Daughter (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz